Vortex hunting with Laozu
Orgone safari February and March 2006
Laozu or Kelly McKennon from Palouse, Washington, USA has developed a special gift for sensing qui which is, in his understanding, the Chinese word for orgone, quite accurately. A few years ago he started a systematic quest for revitalising energy vortices that had been compromised with negative energy with orgonite. He observed that freeing these vortices was leading to the build-up of a continuous canopy of positive life energy. His quest has led him to orgonite gifting tours around the globe and he has written an ongoing account of his work on the ethericwarriors.com forum under the title “Heaven and Earth”
In February 2006 Laozu agreed to visit us in Johannesburg and to go on a tour with me, with the goal of opening the vortices of a large area in Southern Africa to create a positive energy canopy here.
I am quoting Laozu’s own Report here. His text is set in italics; any comments from me are in straight text. I have also used some of my photos to illustrate the narrative. It is obvious from the context that sheng qui is very much the same state of the etheric energy that we refer to as positive orgone energy, or POR, while sha qui can be equated with what we call DOR.
It was now the latter part of November, and snow time was on the Palouse. Vortex opening would be on hold until February, when the weather would become milder again. Georg Ritschl, who has done so much gifting in Africa, had several years earlier invited me to visit his family in Johannesburg. It came to me that now was the time to take up his offer.
So in mid-February I set out for South Africa. I had to change planes in Amsterdam, and the Amsterdam-Johannesburg flight passed over France and the Mediterranean Sea. I observed that that the European sheng canopy, which had been in the shape of a three petalled flower a half year earlier, now extended as far as Nice on the coast. Over North Africa the high qi of the sky was more negative than it had been in Europe before advent of the sheng canopy, but less negative than that of Japan had been.
Georg picked me up at the Jo’burg airport and we began work the next day. For about five days Georg drove me about the greater Johannesburg-Pretoria area and suburbs, opening latent vortices, and at the end of that period a sheng canopy was present over the region.
Now we began to travel a bit further away from town, and it was at this time we visited the most interesting vortex of the trip. Georg knew the owner of a rock and gem store northwest of the city, and he stopped to see what the man had on hand at the time.
The owner told us a story about some Peruvian shamans, who had a school in Cape Town. They brought their students from time to time up to vortex in the area, because of the strong qi in the area. They had told him that it was even stronger than anything they had back in Peru. They had described to him where the vortex was located, and he drew a map for us.
We found what we thought was the place: a natural amphitheatre on a mountain in the Magaliesberg range. There was already a swirl of qi around the amphitheatre (clockwise looking down at it), but beneath the ground there was a feeling that was not entirely good.
Kelly digging in a TB or two
While resting from the climb up, a sheng being appeared and directed me to place TBs in appropriate places on the side. Georg remarked on the immediate increase of “energy” at the site.
There was, however, still quite a bunch of negative entities about. Another sheng being came to assist with their removal.
Typically, when a vortex is stimulated with TBs, a swirl of sheng qi rises into the air spiralling up. With this vortex, sheng qi poured out of the sky above into the ground near the centre of the amphitheatre – but not spiralling. The shape of the space in which the qi was pouring down was conical, but the sides were steeper than the cone of the up-spiralling qi of a normal vortex.
It was eventually time to leave, but we intended to return again, some time before the completion of my stay in Africa.
The extent of the sheng canopy was now such that we had to plan for a trip farther away from home. Three years previously Georg had been up to Zimbabwe, and his stories of the area captured my imagination. We decided to take a circular route: west to the southern boundary of Botswana, north through Botswana into Zimbabwe, east across Zimbabwe, and south again through to Pretoria and Johannesburg. It would take ten days or so, and we bought provisions for the trip, including corn meal for trade and gifts, and fuel cans for carrying extra diesel. Georg’s pickup truck used this type of fuel, and he knew that these days diesel was unavailable in Zimbabwe. The latent vortices visited were too numerous to describe here, so I will just mention the more interesting ones.
Not too far west from Jo’burg we found a latent vortex situated on a high hill in the bush on private property. Georg stopped the truck just off the road. I had just climbed over a locked gate, when the owner of the farm and his wife drove up. Fortunately the farmer and his wife were very gracious, unlocked the gate so Georg could drive Tata II (Georg’s pickup) on to his property and closer to the hill. He left the key to the gate with us, asking to lock the gate when we left later. This was somehow characteristic of the trip to come, in the kind treatment we were to receive throughout (with exception of the Zimbabwean borders). On this first leg of the trip, the vortices generally required more effort to reach, since the country was hilly and vortices tend to be on hills when such are present on the landscape. Georg however, perhaps from his many missions gifting towers, has a gift for getting his vehicle where he wants to go, and that saved us considerable time. One of the high points, from my point of view, was meeting with a kudu in the bush hiking in to one vortex. We crossed the South Africa/Botswana border near Lobatse about dark, and passed the first night in a motel on the Botswana side.
The people in Botswana were friendly, and seemed to be on the way up economically. The capital Gaborone was busy and growing. Somewhat north of that city there was a vortex on a hill not far from the road, but the place was gated and fenced. We drove in and found workers ready to go out into the fields. It was a government farm, and strictly speaking visitors were not allowed there, but Georg spoke with several of the workers about the vortex mission, and a couple of those who seemed to have more responsibility than the others told him that we could climb up the hill. It turned out that the vortex was not far up the hill, and upon return, a number of those still at the living quarters on the farm came out curious to see the pair. Georg explained about what the TBs do, gave one of the men a TB, and soon most of them wanted them. There were not enough for everyone, but quite a few got them.
Laozu in spontaneous healing session with the farmworkers in Botswana
In general we made good time throughout Botswana. The terrain was somewhat more level than it had been in South Africa, and it was often possible to find vortices closer to the highway. And when the pair had to leave the main road, there was often a farm road with an unlocked gate.
The last vortex we gifted in the evening was out in the bush, but there was a nice open flat space and we decided to use the good weather and camp out. It had been raining off and on since my arrival, and only that day had the weather been really fine. Georg cooked a good dinner over the cook stove and set up the tent. I tried to start a fire, but the wood was too wet so Georg poured on a little diesel, and the two enjoyed a campfire into the evening. Just before bedtime, the wind came up a bit, and a thunder and lightning storm blew up off to the south, where the opened vortices were strung out. After enjoying the spectacle for an hour or so, the two jumped into their sleeping bags and I (at least) fell asleep immediately. Some time later I was awakened by the tent blowing, and the sound of heavy rain drops. Gradually it turned into a downpour, and by morning, water was under and in the tent, and in the sleeping bags.
This wouldn’t have happened in a Land Rover:: Pulling the truck out of the dirt
The dirt road outside was a mess, and Georg had to walk to the highway for help, and fortunately found a couple in a 4x4 who came to try to pull us out. But the 4x4 almost got stuck. After an amount of digging (with only a trowel), and various unsuccessful muddy expedients, more people showed up with a regular shovel. About five huskies (including Georg) lifted the left rear quarter of the pickup off the ground so that tree branches could be thrown under the wheel. We eventually we got out and back to the road. The rest of the day it rained, but we managed to get several vortices opened (though in one cornfield I had to wade in up to my knees). The conclusion of the day was a three-hour border crossing into Zimbabwe. The Botswana side was no problem, but the Zimbabwe side was bad. One of the problems was the currency. Inflation was so bad that Georg had to pay 482 000 Zimbabwe dollars just to purchase obligatory highway insurance. And the exchange did not even issue actual currency – just cheques for the currency, cheques which had already expired formally at the end of 2005. Not far from the border we found a motel where we could stay the night, and try to dry a few clothes. In the morning we drove into the city of Bulawayo to make a few purchases, and then we headed into the Matopos Hills, which Cecil Rhodes had liked so much that he had his remains buried there.
Rhodes’s grave in the rain
It was drizzling as Georg drove into the hills. The first lengthy stop was the huge rock formation which holds the graves of Rhodes and his henchman Leander Starr Jameson.
Several years before Georg had made friends with a noted Matabele rainmaker in the area, and we had with us in the pickup a CB which was intended as a gift for him. Luckily, one of the attendants at the grave-rock knew the man. He told us that he had died some time back, but agreed to take us to where his widow lived, later in the afternoon when he got off work.
The rain and wind had turned stormy, and the guide-gatekeepers were more than willing to let Georg and myself climb up to the graves ourselves, and indeed we had the place to ourselves. Georg had gifted the place when he had visited before with TBs, but this time, with no observers, we were able to secrete an HHG quite close to the grave.
The memorial plate indicating Cecil John Rhodes’s grave
I noticed that there were two qi lines crossing over the rock. One, a sheng line, passed close by Jameson’s grave. The other, a sha line, came from a sort of valley in the distance, but crossed the first some twenty metres or so from Rhodes’s grave.
The hill on which graves lie
I also observed that there was a latent vortex not too far away in the hills.
After descending the grave rock, we found an inconspicuous place on the sha line where there was sufficient soil to bury a ring of 6 TBs and so to change the character of the line to positive.
Laozu has found that to neutralise negative energy lines, a circle of 6 TBs does the best job.
After getting permission from the caretakers to roam in the hills, we headed off in the direction of the latent vortex. We found it on the top of a hill some distance away. The top of the hill was ringed by a circle of rocks, which made it look like a fortification, or a ceremonial place. And indeed after opening the vortex, we were visited by a high-level sheng being who assisted in doing some cleaning of the place.
Afterwards we slogged back to the pickup through the high wet vegetation. Georg decided he should go see about getting us a room for the night at the nearby Matopos Hills Lodge, since there was no similar place available for many miles. I decided not to go with him, but to go back up to the grave site to see whether our ministrations had effected any change. Sure enough, the sha line had changed into a sheng line.
When I arrived back at the caretakers’ shelter, I found that they had left. While waiting for Georg to return, I noticed that there was a collection of photographs showing Cecil Rhodes at various times in his life, and photographs of Jameson, and of Alfred Beit. So I walked over and inspected them with considerable attention. The photos of Rhodes as a child, and even as a young man, show a hard, determined person, who feels some inner pain. In the photos of the mature and older man, the determination has changed to ferocity, and the pain has intensified.
Laozu in action
In the late afternoon, after Georg and our guide had returned, we drove off into the countryside where the rainmaker’s widow lived. The road ran over a dam and, because of the recent unusually heavy rains, the reservoir behind the dam was overfull, and several inches of water were flowing over the road down the dam face. I was glad it was Georg at the wheel instead of myself (especially later on the return trip in the dark).
The woman was pleased to see us, but did not speak English, and the guide had to interpret. She invited us into her house, a 6-sided 1-room building of mud and poles, with a thatched roof. In the centre was a circle of stones for the fire. She took out some reddish powder and burned some of it, invoking several non-material beings in the building above us. She spoke as well during this process, but I did not understand what she was saying. There seemed to be no hole in the roof for the smoke to escape, and so the smoke became somewhat disconcerting – I understand this keeps the mosquitoes out however.
Later we took the CB out to the edge of the cornfield where the rainmaker’s corpse was interred, and set it up. A number of the neighbours joined us, and the CB was ceremonially dedicated to the deceased. There were non-material entities also present during this time.
We were allowed to place the CB near the grave of the late Alexander Ndlovu
Typical Matabele homestead in the area
When we left, Georg gave the lady the greater part of the corn meal we had brought with us. She was very thankful. She said that she had had nothing to eat but field corn for about a month, and that with the corn meal they could have a real dinner that night.
We found this to be characteristic of Zimbabwe at the time. People could not afford enough to buy food, and many of the males with whom we spoke asked if we knew where they could find jobs in South Africa.
It was nearly dark by then, and so we drove back, and spent the night in the bungalow Georg had rented. There was water leaking in from outside on to the floors, and no running cold water, since the pipes leading from the dam had broken. But the electricity was working and so our wet clothes could be at least partly dried by a small electric heater in the place.
We often had to push through dense thicket, normally reserved for other animals like this formidable spider
Next day was the one day spent sightseeing on the trip, visiting cave paintings, a museum, and places of etheric interest.
Laozu looking at some paintings at Nanke Cave
After another night without running water, the pair headed east.
Some more mountaineering took place without Latozu finding it worth mentioning
Several years earlier Georg had given a CB to a man in rural Zimbabwe, and he was interested in driving to the man’s home to visit him and inspect the CB. Due to the muddy road, we could not drive all the way, but had to walk the last half mile or so.
This is in fact the CB we placed on our first Orgonise Africa expedition to Zimbabwe.
Unfortunately it seems that Kenny Ngwenya is not alive any more. Laozu found however that a happy entity was living there.
When we got to the place, the man was not there, and the residence seemed abandoned. But the CB was still set up, was even protected by a small fence, and was working quite well.
With all the rain, the rivers through that part of Zimbabwe had water, and Georg made sure they (as well as whatever towers had not been gifted before) got TBs.
One of the latent vortices which was opened on our way east, was on a small mountain not far from the road. Here there was no way to drive off the road, and quite a few pedestrians were using the road. Since we could not afford to have anyone walk off with our diesel cans, Georg remained in the truck while I took off into the bush towards the mountain. After a short distance there appeared a couple of ragged looking individuals who approached me and asked me what I was doing. I told them I wanted to climb the mountain. One of them told me he would take me to a trail up the mountain, which he proceeded to do. When we came to it, he continued on up with me. He asked me if I were carrying a gun, to which I replied in the negative. Then he asked me why I was climbing the mountain. It took a little time, but I explained to him about opening vortices, and the sheng canopy and so forth. I don’t know how much he really understood, but by the time we reached the summit, he was convinced I was sincere, and not a threat. At this point the second man, who had been following us out of sight the entire way, appeared. The two explained to me that they were gold miners, that gold mining was illegal, and that they were afraid I was a government inspector. They then asked me if I knew anything about mining, and showed me some of their nuggets. I opened the vortex, and we walked back down together, back to the pickup. I gave them a TB for their hut, and we parted friends.
For the rest of the day, progress was rapid and successful, and we reached the town of Masvingo by nightfall. In the morning we drove to the Great Ruins, and engaged a guide who told us about the history and former uses of these ruins. Their name “Zimbabwe” was adopted by the Shona as the new name for their country after they took over political control of Rhodesia. “Zi” means “great”, “mbab” means “house”, and “hwe” means “stone”.
And there was a great stone house on top of a steep hill, the stones being granite blocks, partly hewn, and partly broken by heating and cracking. The ascent was quite interesting, designed so that any unwanted visitors could quite easily be disposed of by those above dropping rocks or shooting arrows. On the hill was a cave with acoustics such that words spoken there could be heard down on the plain below the hill. In that cave were two non-material beings, one quite happy and the other quite sad – the guide explained that the place had probably been used for ceremonial purposes.
From there we climbed up to the higher place on the hill, where public dances and ceremonies had been performed in front of the kings, in times past. As I recall, the place had been used for such purposes from the 12th to the early 16th century. There was a high concave rock, near to the king’s seat, where a strong sheng being still lingered. It reminded me of the being in the old monastery ruins on Heiligenberg in Heidelberg which Cesco and I had seen the previous summer. In both cases the sheng being appeared and inspired me to do some work in locations. I suspect that the presence here of the sheng being was the reason that hill had been picked for the Great Zimbabwe.
Later we came to another part of the ruins down on the plain, surrounded by a great circular wall. Georg had told me that there was something special about the place, and indeed there was a latent vortex there. By that time, the guide had developed sufficient confidence in us that he permitted us to gift it. Georg told me that he would have been surprised if there had not been a vortex there. A photo of the enclosure containing the (now) open vortex:
Photo: Laozu
It was afternoon by the time we left the ruins, and we just managed to reach the South African border by nightfall. Again there was trouble “jumping through the hoops” on the Zimbabwe side, but it was not so bad as entering the country had been.
In Botswana and Zimbabwe, gates into rangeland had been mostly unlocked, and fences had been low enough to climb easily. This was not the case in South Africa. Especially difficult were the high game fences, often ten feet tall, with barbed wire and hog wire on one side, and sometimes electrified on the back. When confronted with these latter, I either looked for vortices elsewhere, or asked permission. On one occasion when permission was requested, it was refused on the grounds there was a tiger inside. We were fortunate in being given permission sufficiently often, and finding enough non-game fences, that vortices could be opened with the necessary frequency to successfully complete the circuit. Riding south I observed that the positive canopy had already spread along their previous route north through Botswana some three hundred kilometres to the west. Turning my attention to the far south, I became aware of a large swirl of sheng qi far to the southwest. I could feel that qi was dropping downward into the swirl, but rather than depleting the sheng qi above, the sheng qi seemed to be stronger there than elsewhere. Georg had a GPS device with the aid of which it was determined that direction of this positive swirl was quite close to that of the Magaliesberg vortex mentioned above. The closer the two travelled to Pretoria, the more we became convinced that it was that vortex. I was able to confirm this about a week later when I was once more in its vicinity.
Somewhere between 150 to 200 kilometres from the Pretoria/ Johannesburg area, we drove under the edge of the sheng canopy. I found it unusual that the canopy had spread so far north from the vortices originally opened, which were the source of that part of the canopy. I speculated that the special Magaliesberg vortex, visible from so far away, may have been some part of the reason.
After coming under the canopy, it was no longer necessary to gift vortices with such frequency as before, and we reached Georg’s home not long after dark.
Georg was ill when we returned, and the severity of the illness seemed greater the next day. He in fact was suffering throughout the remainder of my stay, and when I returned to my home, I came down with apparently the same thing. At first I suspected malaria, but later it seemed more likely it had been tick fever, for I did get quite a few tick bites ranging about through the bush. At any event, due to his illness and the many duties which had piled up for him during our trip north, Georg decided to stay home for a few days.
For the last part of my stay in South Africa, I borrowed Georg’s TATA II pickup and set off to the south, intending to extend the positive canopy parallelogram further. It now covers an area approximately 300 km by 1250 km. The corners of the parallelogram are roughly Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) in the NW, Masvingo (Zimbabwe) in the NE, Bloemfontein (South Africa) in the SE, and Kimberley (South Africa) in the SW. I say “roughly” because the canopy actually extends a bit further. Here is a map, provided by Georg, with the vortices we opened indicated by stars:
Map: Laozu
The area on the map coloured orange is my estimate of the extent of the sheng canopy when I left South Africa.
The only place I was accosted by authority during the trip was by a couple of private patrolmen on the Harmony Gold Mine (owned by the Oppenheimers, I
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