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Orgonise Africa is preparing for the next expedition. The target area is again the Karoo.
For several years this vast central dry area has been ravaged by terrible drought. Even though there has been some much welcome rain earlier this week, we feel that additional cloud busters are still needed.
The yellow labels are preferred CB placements in the area. The pink labels are existing CBs. Green labels are optional or lower priority placements.    

The battle plan

You can help us in 2 ways: 

1. Sponsorship: You can sponsor a Cloudbuster which we will place in your name or you can sponsor any amount of towerbusters of which we will surely place a few hundred on this trip.

2. Host a CB: If you are a farmer, this will greatly benefit you and we would appreciate a cost contribution if possible, but we are not limiting this offer to farmers of course.
Please contact us if you are located near the following towns:

  • Hope Town
  • Colesberg
  • Victoria West
  • Fraserburg
  • Marydale
  • Brandvlei
  • Kakamas
  • Springbok

Thanks for your support and all the best for 2020!

Georg and the Orgonise Africa Team

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