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4th orgonite ocean gifting expedition March / April 2008

At the end of March '08 we got ready to do another leg in our orgonlite necklace around South Africa" project. I was accompanied by my friends Abri, Fungai and Fungai's son Donald.

We would have to go to Witsand in the Western Cape first, in order to retrieve my boat engine that was repaired there for a second time and then go to Knysna, from where we would then continue our free-energy."

We left very early on Friday the 21st because we wanted to drive it all in one day. The drive was without major events, except that on the stretch between Aberdeen and Willowmore on the N9 felt a bit bad energy - wise and was therefore busted thoroughly.For Abri it was the first busting tour and I was particularly happy to point out the signs for DOR laden atmosphere and demonstrate how this can inevitably be dissolved in one quick but intensive bombardment.

It amazes me again and again how this simple technique of throwing this stuff out of a moving car can clear up areas of hundreds of kilometres within a few hours. If we don't find enough towers to bust in such an area that looks bad, we just target all the little streams that we cross, trying to place at least every 5-10 km. In this case we did even more because it felt so bad.

Arriving at Witsand late at night, we sneaked into the campground and pitched our camp on the only available free spot.

We later learnt, that like most camping spots in the Western Cape, Witsand features 2 campgrounds, one formerly for whites only, the other one for coloureds. Will you be surprised when I tell you that those same apartheid patterns are still adhered to this day?

We spent the second night on the "coloured" camp ground and actually found it much nicer. Frikkie Meyer of Witsand Marine fame had again mastered to put my engine together, a 1978 Mercury for which it is increasingly difficult to get spares. So he had welded and remanufactured some parts, all in all a masterpiece, and I'm sure we did not really pay for all the hours he must have spent on it. I just love to deal with people who know their trade and enjoy the work they do. He said he learnt a lot working on this motor. We launched the boat in the Breede River and went out to sea just to check if everything was in fine working order for the trip ahead. Finally I have a working reverse gear again and the gear shifting is smooth and without resistance. Great! I'm sure that engine can do another 20 years now if properly serviced and cared for.

Camping at Witsand First Outing: Keurbooms River to BuffelspoortFor the first outing on this trip I took along Donald alone. He's a keen swimmer and won a price at his school for his outdoor camping prowess. But boating of course was new to him as was the experience of the ocean.

We started at Keurbooms River, east of Plettenberg Bay, launching on the river and trying to find the exit to sea. Apparently the exit from the lagoon had totally shifted in the last big flooding and was about 2 km from where it was shown on the map, so it took us an hour to find it, during which time we got stuck on sandbanks more often than not. I was close to giving it up for the day, as everything seemed to conspire against us succeeding.Finally we found the exit at the very end where we had turned around at the first attempt without seeing it, because according to the map we should have already passed it and gone a few km's too far. We went Westwards back to Buffelspoort, just beyond Knysna, where we had started our Westward in November. We had quite a rough wind against us at times and the landing was also quite rough, especially as the team did not yet really know what to do. so the boat bounced up and down the concrete slipway for quite a while until we had the trailer in the right position to pull it out.

Donald on the boat

Passing the Knysna heads in already rougher seas


Camping in rain and wind

CB in Knysna Next day we were to visit Guido and Mia, who had ordered a few products from us before including my book. Both are in the alternative healing field. I had thought of them as possible hosts for a CB in Knysna and so we went to visit them the next morning.

Guido, Fungai and Donald with the CB

Guido and Mia with the new CB for Knysna

Second outing: Cape St. Francis to Keurbooms River.It's always advisable to land at a spot that you already know, while launching at a new spot is not such a problem.So we mostly drove ahead and launched the boat so that we would go backwards. The added advantage was that we had the prevailing wind mostly in or back that way as well as the swell. Abri was to come along for that leg and we were both quite anxious for the length of the leg and the absence of any landing spots along the way.I had asked Guido to program one of his radionics devices for calm and smooth weather and that was what we got indeed.We were very lucky and the sea was mostly completely flat for long stretches and otherwise moderate. 

Abri getting into it


The lighthouse at Cape Francis


What looks like the remnants the beaten Spanish fleet after the battle of Trafalgar, was actually a congregation of rusty fishing boats, probably going after crayfish 


The sea changes constantly - here it's becoming like a supernaturally lit glass surface, the boundary between sea and sky becoming almost imperceptible.

The Tsitsikamma forest

Groot River mouth

Another of these "glassy" moments with a beautiful cumulus cloud taking shape 

Somewhat sylphy, but not yet jubilantReactions in the atmosphere to water gifting are not as instant as when you take out a huge HAARP array on land. So the reward for these efforts is of a more long term but much more profound nature.

Third outing: Port St. Francis to Port Elizabeth

This time we did not drive ahead to go backwards, because we felt PE is a major harbour and should be easy for landing.Even though we would drive the boat against wind and swell, the stretch was rather short and we would save a lot of extra driving on land in exchange for possibly experiencing a bit of roughness out on sea. I decided to take Fungai and Donald together and alternate between the both of them and Abri, as Donald couldn't drive the car anyways. 

Fungai on the helm

The lighthouse at Cape Recife before PE

These cranes look like the crane-birds in the distance...

The strange animal from close up Entering PE harbour was easy, but finding a slipway to pull out the boat proved a bit of an obstacle run, as the one marked as "public" in my "boat trekker's guide" was restricted to licensed commercial fishermen. So after an hour of fruitless negotiation, it took quite some cruising around to find the one next to the NSRI where they let us retrieve the boat free of charge.We were all getting a bit exhausted from the tough schedule we'd been on and so decided to take a day of rest in PE.We found quite a nice camp ground near the beach in Summerstrand and took it easy the following day.

Staring at the sea (Abri) 4th outing - PE to Bushman's river We left Port Elizabeth early. The weather forecast had been for rain and poor visibility but low winds. So we decided to do it because we had also learnt that the wind would generally become stronger within the next days and we wanted to use the window we had for getting as much as possible done.

Chinese freighter at PE harbour

Yachts mooring in PE

Looking back to PE in the fog

Bird Island - the sky is clearing up

Finally - greeted by a pod of dolphins

Dolphins accompanying the boat

Dunescape near Cannon Rocks

The rocky entrance to Bushman's river Fifth outing - Keiskamma River to Bushman's River This time we really had bad weather and almost capsized in the surf after launching from Hamburg inside the Keiskamma estuary.Woooohooo! These breakers were big. We just made it through but were completely submerged and wet to the bones.We had to go far out to ride out the swell where it wouldn't break, but still all these huge waves were breaking at the top.Luckily that leg was not too long and we made it into the busman's river mouth, getting smashed by another big breaker on the way in through the surf.I think I didn't have a good day that day. Probably things had been a bit too easy on our previous outings and I had become a bit overconfident and sloppy. 

Wild waves pounding the coast 6th outing - Keiskamma River to East London On the 31st of March we launched from the Keiskamma river again. The surf was still menacing, but I had improved my technique. Studying the breakers I could see how to zigzag around the breakers and always stay in-between or in the white water after they had broken. Should have done the same on the day before, but sometimes you learn the hard way.The leg to East London went otherwise smooth and we arrived safely at the harbour.

East London harbour coming in view

Finally behind the breakwater


That was the trip: Blue dots are orgone gifts

Detailed map of the coastal gifting.

The new status quo. The dark pink line shows the last remaining gap in the orgonite necklace. The project "Orgone Necklace" around Southern Africa is now almost complete with only a gap of some 300+ km remaining to be done. I hope we can close this soon. The weather is still unusually cold, with much more rain than usual. Most people notice these changes but routinely attribute them to "global weather upheavals".

Obviously the word "Global Warming" is slowly being phased out by "Central Thought Control", because it's not really what anyone experiences except those poor polar bears who are still bearing the brunt of unmitigated HAARP.

I wish we could send an ice going vessel with tons of orgonite up (and down) there.Georg Ritschl Johannesburg, April 2008

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