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Back home after 53 days in hell

De Shopify API  •   1 minute de lecture

Yesterday night we landed back home in Johannesburg after a 53 day ordeal in Mozambican prison. We are relieved and still confused. Was all this real? It seems so mad and unbelievable.


The hysteria - the media coverage - we were in fact engaged with the whole country of Mozambique in a "trial by media"!


First accused of "sabotaging the dam" with an unknown and dubiuous substance to which corrosive and poisonous qualities where ascribed, then pronounced innocent even by the prime minister of Mozambique as early as 8 or 10 May, only in order to linger in jail for another month. "Let the competent authorities do their proper investigations", a euphemism for "Let's fry them in jail for a bit longer, 't will teach them a lesson"


to be continued...

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