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Shy about our Orgone Zappers?

De Shopify API  •   9 minute de lecture

Jun 10, 2010

Why are we not making more noise about our zappers? The orgone zapper, if ever distributed on a massive scale could well revolutionise health care. But we don't really like to make generalised claims. We can't and we would definitely be punished by the international health Nazis who are just waiting for a pretext to close down everything that really works. Did you realise that the use of colloidal silver has just been outlawed in many European countries? So the only thing we can say is what we know and that's the experience of people who have used our zappers.

Interior of orgone zapper

I'm not even very good at collecting the emails that I get from happy zapper customers, but here are some that I have recently received and 2 cases of people I know personally. I had to protect their privacy, but all the statements below are unprovoked accounts of their experiences with orgone zappers by real people.

Let them talk!

Pin Worms and Candida:

Hello Orgonise Africa! I just had to tell you about my experiences with my zapper I ordered from you. After doing a lot of research on the subject I was finally willing to have faith in the electro-treatment and got one of my very own! I now know for a FACT that this works, and I’ll tell you why. I had pin worms, which had obvious symptoms. I got rid of a lot of them through the right herbs and I saw the little dead buggers come out. Well, I obviously could not get them all because my symptoms returned. But instead of getting rid of them again the same way, I thought I’d wait for my zapper and experiment to see if it could get rid of them by zapping them. Well, after a week of side effects from the zapper including very intense “under the skin” itching all over, few accidental acid burns and increased bowel movements I have to say all pin worm symptoms have ceased. More over, I believe it has solved my Candida problem which started 2 years ago after trying the birth control pill. I went off the pill after two months because of the intense sugar cravings (it had ruined my sex drive anyway). I however never recovered and have gained 10 kilos since. A lot for a 20 year old with a pretty good metabolism. Sorry to be so personal, but just wanted to express how damaging medication can be. I am now on a diet to lose weight, and I have to say that sometimes I have to be careful I don’t eat too little! My sugar cravings have subsided, and now I only think about food when I’m actually hungry. I’ll go a whole day moving around at work and not even stop to eat! I have to put down my past sugar cravings to the parasites in my system. I mean, I used to eat a fast food meal DAILY, a whole large pizza in one sitting was do-able. So, even though my health is regained I am still addicted to using the zapper, which leads me to the orgonite. I never really believed it all that much, but it’s helped my energy work so much. I feel the energy straight away when I put it on and the feeling of euphoria it gives is addictive. I’m even beginning to see my aura which I never could before. I could not imagine a better health and spiritual device, so thankyou for providing the service, I am greatly appreciative. Kind Regards, Louise, USA


I lent a Silverado to a colleague who had fibrositis since aged 4. She is now aged 25. After wearing it day and night for four nights, her face glowed this morning, and she felt much better!" CHL, Malaysia

General health:

I find that I am generally much healthier when I wear it on a regular basis. In the past year or so, I took a break from wearing it for a while, and I have been sick much more often. Therefore, I've decided to continue using it on a regular basis and will continue to promote your website and fantastic products to anyone I can. RF, USA
I gave a silverado zapper to a colleague as she was "too poor" to afford one. To her astonishment, she recovered totally from all her ailments within one night of zapping! I consider this a MIRACLE! I wonder why the conventional medicine doesn't embrace the humble zapper with both arms? This morning her face was glowing, she was bounding with energy, and she was so happy! She said she regretted not taking my advice to buy a zapper months earlier, as she looked only at the prices and not the write-ups. CHL, Malaysia
bought my first EL Silverado a few years ago. It was just an awesome mind opening experience. Since then I have purchased four more units. My children use them when they are feeling sick and within 24 hours they are symptom free. They don't ask for medications or vitamins they ask for their Orgone Zappers. I am simply amazed by how these little miracles machines have worked. I strap two on, one on each calf. They are so powerful that when I don't zap for a while I experience something called die off which is nothing other then my body detoxifying from the death of all the organisms that shouldn't be inside me. For a day it is like I have the flu then I feel amazing for days. This unit serves me in so many ways. I make Colloidal Silver with it and I hook it put to my small orgone wand. These guys a miracle workers! Thanks! Michael, UK
Hello Dear ones, I bought this item about 6 months ago. I can tell you this is a one stop solution for every thing. Other than zapping, the silver ions help kill germs, neodymium magnet helps, orgone chi creates positive scalar field around body and it can also be used for radionics with your intentions. Overall 5/5. A must have in your kitty !!! enkij

Sciatic pain, headaches, allergies

Eliminates sciatic pain, headaches, tension, nervousness, allergy symptoms, and things I'm still finding out about!We feel much better, and after being exposed to toxic chemicals, I had to clean off one of the electrodes that filtered them out of my system! Great item! JR, USA

The big A

Uganda has a population of about 30 million people and 20% are now living with HIV/AIDS and need this treatment. The government chemist, Ministry of Health, Dr. Grace Nambatya Kyeyune has now included the ZAPPER for HIV treatment in Uganda, officially, on the basis of my own research, testimony and case study. The Zapper is amazingly the most important scientific discovery since the Atomic Bomb but based on laws of magnetism. In just six months of using the Zapper my viral load fell from millions per sample to an undetectable level. This is bad news for the drug cartel and good news for millions living with HIV/AIDS, worldwide. Nathan K, Uganda


I have three of these, two of which are the standard zapper and this one silver one, I will give one to a friend if they tell me about an ailment. I wear this often overnight, or throughout the day attached to my leg when I'm cycling or walking to and from work. It seems to work on multiple levels over the body, for me it sorts out candida fungus whiilst energizing you from the orgone and magnets. I find myself having clearer skin and brighter complexion also after wearing for 2 hours in the day, always attached to back of my right leg. For sleep I have worn on the bottom of my foot and have woken very 'light'. I will always turn to this device for helping my body fight any problems it comes up against. Thanks Orgonise Africa. Best, Alex, USA

The Big C

Norma is a friend of ours whom we met in 2001, before we even started making zappers. She was diagnosed with a malignant cancer of the thyroid. The hospital had already scheduled her for a complete removal of the thyroid. I had then just ordered 3 of Don Croft's orgonite enhanced Terminator zappers and let her have one in the hope that it would help her. After 6 weeks of using the zapper she went back to the oncologist that had diagnosed her cancer. The cancer had become undetectable and the onkologist was of course perplexed. Norma B, South Africa
I. had breast cancer. Apart from using one of our zappers she went on a complete raw food diet. Her cancer is gone. She looks radiant and brimming with health. She and M. have a domestic worker who was diagnosed HIV+. She started using an orgone zapper given to her by Ivonne and now tests HIV-. IWS, South Africa

Nail lyme

Dear Orgonise Africa, I am using the El Silverado zapper for about 6 weeks now, and the results are amazing. I had a corn under my little toe for a few years and i couldn's get rid of it (even after trying all the things from the drugstore). After 3 weeks of zapping it just fell out. At first i was happy, but still a bit afraid of the hole it left under ky toe. Now after 6 weeks of zapping, it is completely recovered and the hole is gone. I also zap my big toe, because i have a severe type of nail lime. Again i tried all the stuff from the drugstore for more than 2 years, but it only seemed to get worse. Untill i starting zapping my big toe. Now after 4 weeks it looks like the nail is regenerating and the nail lime is growing out. It's Fantastic! because nail lime is very ugly.For the rest i don't have much other problems, but in general i feel good when i am zapping. Keep up this fantastic work! SVK, Netherlands

Sports injury

I think that the ptotocol you describe to follow is excellent. My 17 year old hurt his leg muscle last week while skating. he used zapper for about two hours and had immediate relieve. LdV, South Africa

This means nothing of course

I cannot tell you that a zapper will cure this or that condition. But I can encourage you to start taking responsibility for your own health back into your very own hands. That's what the paradigm shift is all about. I'd never hop on a pedestal and say "The orgone zapper cures all diseases", but I'd always try one first before I'd do anything else. I personally see it as my first line of defense against illness. I wear it as a successful malaria precaution when travelling in danger areas. You should still eat a sensible diet and do a lot of other good things. The zapper alone will not solve all your problems. But an orgone zapper belongs in every household.

OK, you want one? Here's the deal:

Orgone zapper special voucher, worth 300 Rand

I give you 300 Rand as a voucher to buy your first orgone zapper. That's approximately 38.40 USD or 32.13 EUR today. The voucher code is FIRSTZAP and it's only valid for a few days until Sunday 13 June. The amount will be deducted from your order as soon as you check out and enter the code FIRSTZAP into the checkout field. The voucher can only be used one time per customer. Of course you can order several orgone-zappers in this order and enjoy additional bulk discounts. Check here how that works. You can only use the voucher on your first zapper ever. The system will allow you to cheat, but I will not send out your zapper, when I notice that you have bought one before until you have made full payment.

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