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Zappers and the FDA

De Shopify API  •   9 minute de lecture

Feb 10, 2012


When truth is a lie and lies become the truth


Again and again we are asked if our zappers will cure this or that disease which puts us in a dilemma. Under the increasingly draconian rules of the international "health fascist" regime of FDA and their BIG PHARMA SPONSORED consorts, it is considered legal to put neurotoxic artificial sweeteners into food and still call it organic, but not to make any claims of medical benefits for any product "unapproved by the relevant authorities".

Lately a distributor of good old cherries had to feel the brunt of this regime when he claimed what everybody even slightly educated in natural health knows: That cherries help with joint pain and inflammation...

In other words: Selling a product like the zapper is fraught with some delicacy.

The so called health authorities are becoming increasingly belligerent when it comes to any alternative product whatsoever, expecially when i really works. That really pushes their buttons more than anything else.

This prohibitive activity is inversely proportional to the general health revolution that is taking place worldwide. People are taking back responsibility for their health in increasing numbers and turn away from the standard answers that conventional medicine is giving to almost any problem. Funny enough, the paradigm is the same misguided one we observe in toxic agriculture that is destroying our soils and habitats.

In agriculture as in health: Slash - burn - poison!

That is the trilogy best describing the approach of the establishment to the problem of dealing with living beings. In the case of medicine read "Operate - radiate - medicate".

The motto of any effective alternative medicine could better be described as "poison out - good stuff in" or "detox - feed - regenerate". Alternative medicine is largely based on collective experience, not mechanistic science and not double blind studies with huge budgets. It is not necessary to prove that Valerian tincture has a soothing, calming effect and helps to find sleep while being pretty harmless in terms of unwanted side effects. It's been used for thousands of years.

And yet the Health Nazis - pretending to act in your interest and for your safety - want to apply the principles that have been established to test synthetic and potentially highly toxic drugs on pretty much all foods and nutritional supplements as soon as someone goes out and claims any health benefit whatsoever. So we have decided to not claim any general benefits. The only thing we can do is point to individual experiences that users have reported and that we deem truthful. We can also report the research that has gone into similar devices by people like Hulda R Clark, but also independent clinical research on the effects of weak electric current. We can draw our conclusions and speculate as long as we do not make claims. Maybe some day in the future we might have the funds to conduct large comparative studies, treating people with so called AIDS (a difficult story that) with zappers and nutritional therapy a la Tine V/D Maas, as compared to the orthodox remedies  such as Antiretrovirals. I would however have ethical problems with giving anyone Antiretrovirals. If we don't get killed while doing it, I'm sure the results would be overwhelmingly in favour of our approach. The ridiculous notion here is that toxic or better deadly medicines like Nevirapine got approved on slim statistical odds of 2 or 3 more survivors than the untreated control group. Then in some cases it was even shown that fatalities (deaths) were wrongly attributed to the untreated group. So the so called "science based medicine" that is always upheld like a magical mantra by the defenders of orthodoxy is largely based on fraud. But when a single person who has already been given up for dead by the medical establishment dies despite the best efforts of a natural healer, the healer will have difficulties to stay out of jail. Being a conformist doctor is equal with a license to kill as long as you follow WHO approved protocol. Nuff of this? OK, let's go then:

Why we make zappers

With our personal discovery of orgone came our friendship with Don Croft. We had one of his Terminator zappers in 2002 and when a friend of ours was diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid, we lent it to her. Wonder, wonder, the cancer was gone within  6 weeks. In fact the eager oncologist who was pushing Norma to have the thyroid removed (slashed) couldn't detect it any more. We had started making orgonite already, first for our own gifting and then started offering it on the Internet. We asked Don if he would mind if we built a zapper along the principles of his Terminator model. Don agreed and in fact enthusiastically supported our project from the beginning, even correcting some flaws that our models initially had.

The principle of the orgone gifting movement has been "open source" from the word go and that's probably the secret of it's persistent growth and continued survival. Within our community there is a fine balance between respect for someone's invention or contribution and the general availability of all the principal ideas for copying. Old paradigm free energy inventors often got economically destroyed, socially isolated, bought out or even outrightly killed because they believed in securing exclusive intellectual property rights etc. They were still trusting the system and felt entitled to enjoy the full financial benefit of their lifechanging inventions of which they were rightly convinced they could change the fate of humankind. They were of course naive and their bad experience with the system was necessary for the new generation to adopt open source principles. The orgonite movement now rests on so many shoulders that it's impossible for the system to root it out by killing or otherwise incapacitating one or the other proponent. The same can be said for the orgone zapper even though not to the same extent. Thanks Don, for sharing your experience and knowledge with us!

A zapper is simple

There is nothing mysterious about zappers. Hulda Clark was not the first, but the most widely read scientist who propagated pulsed direct currents as a cure for many diseases. Our friend Dr. Kizito, a Ugandan doctor trained in sports medicine in the then Soviet Union, told us that the Soviets were regularly using zapper-like devices for wound healing and tissue regeneration. But even in South African bush lore, experienced safari hands would tell us that they knew from experience that snake bites could be treated successfully by zapping yourself with the jump start cable from your car battery. More research was done even in the West, when in the 1990s several studies were published in the British Journal of Cancer, indicating a potential healing effect of weak electric current in several cancers of cancer, leukemia and melanoma.

Even mainstream scientists can discover the truth

Hulda Clark's impressive body of case studies as published in her various books, first and foremost "the cure for all diseases", serves as further support of our argument that the efficacy of zapping has been established in principle beyond reasonable doubt. Of course this will be disputed by her detractors and the FDA who drove Mme. Clark out of the US and forced her to continue her research in Mexico. But since when is brute force a scientific argument?Not in my book at least. Small differences between the zappers normally offered as Hulda Clark type devices and ours are irrelevant in this context. For example the more orthodox adherents to Hulda Clark's ideas (she sadly passed away a few years ago) prefer a pulsing frequency of about 1000 Hz (pulses per second) while we run ours at approx. 15 Hz. Don Croft was the one pioneering this lower frequency and it seems to penetrate the membranes of the intestines much better than the higher frequencies. Quite logical when you think of the New World Order Army's ground penetrating GWEN "emergency communication  network" that works on extremely low frequencies.

Why do they work?

People regularly get wound up on the frequency issue BTW, because it is very common to mistake the zapper for a frequency resonance device which it isn't. Hulda Clark has contributed to that confusion although she says very clearly that any frequency between 10 and 30,000 Hz will be effective. (see for example The Cure for all Diseases p.14) The working principle of a zapper is not based on any specific frequency that would resonate with any specific pathogen and kill it. That's the idea being so called "Rife machines", named after the late Royal Rife who discovered the principle of frequency resonance in parasitic organisms and used it successfully for healing. Royal Rife's research was valid but it's a different story altogether. A zapper simply charges the body with electrons, whereby the skin seems to act as a capacitor. Such a charge with electrons is called a negative charge or ionisation, which does of course not imply a moral judgment like when we talk of "negative energies" (totally different story, that). It just seems that pathogenic or say parasitic organisms do not like this negative ionisation, just like they do not like an alkaline environment. They simply shrivel and die. That is even true for cancer cells that behave like alien organisms in our bodies. But more dramatically, doctors in the US who have been using zappers (a courageous few) have reported how, immediately after first zapping small white worms were breaking the skin of their patients, fleeing a suddenly uninhabitable environment. According to the CDC, the average American carries about a pound of living parasites in average. Isn't that disgusting? The role of parasites in disease forming is totally under reported in conventional medicine and no attention is paid to their presence. Dr. Hulda Clark saw parasites and toxins in their mutually enhancing interplay as the main reason for practically all diseases, with the toxins making the membranes in the digestive tract permeable for those parasites that traditionally never infected humans. Parasites in turn carry bacteria and viruses. A zapper makes short shrift of these critters.

the zapper killed all these worms within minutes

Photograph of worms killed in the first few minutes of zapping during a colonic irrigation treatment Of course those with a heavy load of living parasites or cancer cells will experience initial discomfort when zapping. That's only logical. Imagine one pound of "creepy crawlies" dying off within hours and releasing their load of viral and bacterial passenger organisms into the blood. That surprises some people who have been carrying all this stuff but been largely "asymptomatic" because their vital energies have so far been able to withstand the onslaught. One guy, who obviously has never heard the word "healing crisis" in his life, wrote me a letter saying the zapper had made him sick while previously he had been totally healthy.

Honestly, a zapper cannot make you sick. How should it? It's just a weak current of no more than 9V in the peak. The only thing that makes some people feel sick for only limited time is the load of toxins the body has to deal with after the mass demise of unwanted blind passengers. Of course the bacteria and viruses also get killed quite quickly but that leaves the body with a lot of residue to eliminate, some of it pretty toxic. That's where the orgone aspect of the zapper comes in: The killing of parasites can be achieved with any simple zapper, including our own little cost effective model. The orgonite is not needed for that. Even the unnecessarily expensive frequency scanning models from some manufacturers will do that, even though they are in error about the necessity of frequency changes. Zapping is just such a robust concept, that it will always have a positive effect. You can even take your car battery, hold on to one pole and tap a finger on the other one.

Simple as that. Since that is rather inconvenient, we make zappers that you can wear on your body while doing other stuff. The orgonite and other energetic components however are helping the body's self healing capacity and thereby considerably ease the potential discomfort of zapping. One could make the distinction here between "curing" and "healing". ("Curing" of course being a prohibited word due to the above mentioned health Nazis) In that distinction, the elimination of parasites and other unwanted organisms would be the "curing" part while the regeneration of tissue and restoration of the body's full vitality the "healing" part. An orgone zapper is a lot more potent on the healing side while matching any common zapper model on the "curing" side. Our own feedback that we get from our users is equally positive but surely qualifies only as anecdotal. It is however quite impressive. You will find some testimonials here a lot more recent ones here and finally I invite you to read the reviews people have submitted on our Website for the El Silverado Orgone Zapper and the Standard Orgone Zapper.

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