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  • Orgonite and consciousness

    De Shopify API

    The "protophysical" (predating the physical) effects of orgonite are pretty well documented by now. "Before and After" pictures of clearing/dissappearing chemtrails, HAARP clouds and the like have been published by orgone...

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  • Operation Atlantic High

    De Shopify API

    End of July the AMA-Wellness Center in Kortrijk, Belgium, asked us to organise a group order of 30 CB bases at cost price. As we were busy with the project, that grew...

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  • A Visit to Credo Mutwa

    De Shopify API

    I have known Credo Mutwa since 2001 when I stumbled over David Icke's video tapes "The Reptilian Agenda", which consist of a 6 hour interview with this wise and knowledgeable...

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  • Shy about our Orgone Zappers?

    De Shopify API

    Jun 10, 2010 Why are we not making more noise about our zappers? The orgone zapper, if ever distributed on a massive scale could well revolutionise health care. But we...

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  • Planet of Wonders

    De Shopify API

    A first glimpse of our recent orgonite gifting trip to the Southern Cape Easter 2010. We enjoyed it so much and saw so many beautiful places, hence the title...  ...

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  • Global Warming or Climate Change?

    De Shopify API

    Mar 20, 2010 Global Warming Yadda-Yadda, undisturbed by facts Why are we so insistent on poking into this Global Warming story? Do we have no heart for our beloved planet?...

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  • Fake Quake in Haiti (contd.)

    De Shopify API

    Reading the newspaper is an old habit that dies hard. Although devoid of any real information or honest journalism, newspapers do occasionally and always inadvertently provide hints as to what...

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  • The Year of the Tiger

    De Shopify API

      The new website has now been up for a week and we are very happy with how it looks and also how it works.   Teething pains   A few small...

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