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Electro - Hypersensitivity and Parasites

By Shopify API  •   2 minute read

Our incredible well researched friend Tino Puthego from Botswana brought up this idea in a talk we had a few months ago:

Why are some people hypersensitive to EMF and others not? His explanation was:


We have all heard that most people are infested with parasites to a higher or lesser degree. Hulda Clark - widely credited with inventing the zapper for health purposes - made the combination of parasites and toxins out as the source of all major diseases.

Parasites: We all have them to some degree - but zapping keeps them to a minimum.
We all have them to some degree: Happy parasites in your intestine

Now here is Tino's explanation: The presence of strong EMF fields stimulates these nasty little critters to become hyperactive and now they are all wiggling and crawling under your skin or in your brain tissue or wherever they may have penetrated.
That is what creates the itching, crawling (quite literally) feeling or the headache or other symptoms that so many sufferers from electro-hypersensitivity report. The original information about this phenomenon comes from reowned German naturopathic doctor Dr. Klinghardt.

Kill those creepy crawlies with a zapper!

That's the connection between electrohypersensitivity and the zapper. A zapper greatly reduces (if not completely decimates) your parasite loads. (Remember, we try never to make exaggerated statements)

This should therefore greatly reduce the impact of the EMF on your wellbeing. Probably even more than the EMF smart meter shield (which is very helpful on it's own) or other orgonite.

I will look for more confirmation on this and let you know, but the idea makes total sense to me!

Enough sense for me to say: "If you suffer from Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, get yourself a zapper asap and get rid of 99% of your unwanted passengers! It has so many other benefits as a growing number of happy zapper users report.

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