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Karoo Orgonite Expedition Update

By Georg Ritschl  •   2 minute read

Karoo Orgonite Expedition Update

Our old friend and buster colleague Dirk, the curator of is arriving on Sunday from the Netherlands and after some acclimatisation, we'll finally be rolling on Wednesday the 5th of February.  

We love trucking through wide open spaces an drop some orgonite along the way...

We are already quite excited. 

After more than 2 years of extreme drought that has destroyed many livelihoods, some very welcome rain has come down in the last 3 weeks. Perhaps a result of our previous efforts? We have been working on this space since 2006.

Check here for some previous expedition reports concerning the same space:
The Vast Interior
Gifting the Karoo Riviera
Taking the back roads
A terrible drought
First successes in the Karoo

Of course we're not looking for "one day wonder" kind of successes but for a long term re-vitalisation and stabilisation of the region. We are talking about a space here which is bigger than than the whole of Germany. (Great Karoo 400,000 km2, Germany 367,000 km2)  But we are touching parts of the Kalahari as well, so the total dry interior of Southern Africa is bigger than France and Germany combined. 

We definitely think the Karoo needs more attention. It is quite likely that a lot of weather modification technology is still secretly active there, similar to what recently happened in Australia. I hope the Australian Gifters will take care of the now clearly identified HAARP bases. The Karoo is the only place were we still get frequent reports of massive chemtrails from. (Yes, there are some in Western Cape still, but it's not major)

Still baking hot in our target area despite the promising rainfalls

Unfortunately our travel kitty or "war chest" is still looking a bit bleak. I was hoping for a few more sponsorships. (Thanks to Steen from denmark for his CB sponsorship and to all those who contributed smaller amounts!)  Click on the links below if you want to help us do this work. You can sponsor a full CB or any amount of TBs for Africa, thereby making up any amount that you can spare. Basically you are buying X-amount of CBs or TBs and insted of sending them to you, we place them on our expedition.

But of course it also helps us when you place a normal order with us.
So, no begging bowl will be passed around, just pure opportunity as usual..
(I know how some of you are just lurking in the shadow, waiting for this discount opportunity to come along, hehe)

And now to you discount lurkers: 

OK, here it is:
 25% with code GiftOfTheGivers absolutely only until Sunday night.
The normal peeps who do not read my newsletter only get 10%.  

OK, that's it for today, got a lot more work to do...

Thanks for your support!

Georg and the Orgonise Africa Team

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