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Extinction Event

By Georg Ritschl  •   3 minute read

Extinction Event

On Saturday I was talking about dinosaurs, referring to us "old fashioned orgone warriors".

Today I'm gona take that metaphor even a bit further: Are we going extinct like the dinosaurs?

I mean, is someone or something trying to extinguish us?

I hate to speak of problems. But the pressure has reached an intensity that I cannot ignore any longer and also not hold back from going public.

We are under serious attack! It takes a while until one starts seeing this picture clearly.

Attacks like these manifest on many levels and each little event that's part of it could be interpreted as purely an arbitrary technical problem or a circumstantial nastiness that can happen to each of us occasionally.

However, at the end of March our sales suddenly plummeted by 35% to stay on that new lower level since then.

We have also de facto disappeared from organic search engine rankings where we were traditionally always close to the top for most orgonite related keywords.

This may well have been caused by our constant troubles with our website which are also going beyond every normal amount of troubles.

We are using Magento 2 as a platform, quite a well established e-commerce platform, used by 100s of thousands of web based businesses.

And yet we've experienced one glitch after the other for the last few months while trying to make things better and more intuitive to navigate and use..

In the last 2-3 weeks we were finally reaching some kind of equilibrium with our website, or call it stability, when this weekend we were suddenly subject to a massive robot attack which brought the checkout function of our website to a painful standstill.

More than 1600 bot sign ups on Saturday and Sunday kept the server busy and may have tried to plant some malicious code on our website.

It is clearly my impression that something or someone wants to destroy us and all that we stand for.

We fixed the checkout now and put some additional safeguards up. 

Magento 's a bit like a Windows environment, where programs can sometimes conflict.

We have several extensions installed on our Magento in order to add features and functionalities and that may sometimes cause conflicts in the coding.

We might have to consider migrating to Shopify which is much more like a Mac environment where everything works together seamlessly. But I think we must now first consolidate the fruits of our labour of the last few months and not change things again.

These combined troubles, be they maliciously instigated by the dark forces or "just a coincidence", have caused us some serious financial stress apart from me having to let go 2 valuable and loyal employees.

We are a month and half behind with most of our private payments while totally focussing on keeping the business functional and alive.

So don't worry: If you order from us you'll get what you ordered.

I have now hired a freelance SEO specialist who can help us regain visibility to the wider public.

We are literally working ourselves out of a hole under high pressure.

Please help us in our fight for survival by ordering some of our authentic and powerful orgonite now and enjoy a general discount of 20% today.

This discount will be automatically deducted from the content of your shopping cart as you check out and applies on top of applicable special prices. Please let us know if you should encounter any problems in navigating or using our website.

If you should feel that we deserve a little boost, you could also sponsor our work by buying one of our sponsorships, the TB for Africa for smaller amounts (you can buy as many as your sponsorship budget allows) or a CB for Africa, if you feel generous. see you at Orgonise Africa

Georg, Friederike + the Orgonise Africa Team

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