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Orgonite deflates Irma in Florida

By Shopify API  •   2 minute read

Devra R......

 | Sep 14, 2017 12:03:54 AM 

I am a customer of yours and I live in Florida, on the Sarasota Bay.

A couple of years ago I did a pretty major orgonite gifting expedition in and around my home...cell towers up and down the Tamiami Trail, several places around the various inland bays, and a few other choice spots in Bradenton, St. Petes, Tampa and Sarasota.

I also have about fifty pieces in and around my own property. Well, as you know we were just visited by a big bully...Hurricane Irma. There isn't enough space here to give you all the details, but I will just say that magic happened, and I am convinced it is due to the orgonite and good vibes....

Irma was heading straight for us in a bulls-eye, and then she veered off; she was downgraded at just a most crucial time and our area fared so much better than most; many many trees went down, but few hit structures; there was no storm surge, even though it was predicted and even though the waters in the bays receded dramatically we had absolutely no flooding; our power went on the very next day although millions are still without three days later; and so on and so on.....

I also have been playing 528 music to the bay with underwater speakers, so on the whole I hope we have created some good karma. My family and friends are all very relieved and grateful. I love the work you do and I just wanted to chime in.

Oh, I nearly forgot, the night before Irma hit I was out on my dock completely freaked out by the several days of horrible news and packing, the sky was absolutely clear and there was no wind...suddenly three clouds appeared out of nowhere above my head and then moved over us going quite fast.

My daughter said they looked like angels. I would not even have believed my eyes had she not been there to witness it. Then the clouds just disappeared like magic. Sylphs? Thank you Orgonise for spearheading this incredibly important movement, rock-on DR

Thanks Devra, for letting us know.

See also:

Orgonite Rocks! (And you know where to get it!)


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