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Zambesi Gifted with Orgonite

Johannesburg 6 June 2007

The Zambesi is the fourth longest river in Africa, flowing from it's source near the Zambian - Angolan border through Angola, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

It's water masses feed 2 large hydroelectric dams, Lake Kariba and the Cahora Bassa Reservoir. The idea to prioritise gifting the Zambesi with orgonite, especially Lake Kariba, was fed by 2 different lines of thought.

1. Recent drought and weather anomalies in Southern Africa.

Our rainfall in Southern Africa, South of the Zambesi had been constantly improving since we started massive large scale gifting of the region in 2002.

Now suddenly, in January - March this year, an unexpected drought hit large parts of that region, while countries north of the Zambesi, like especially Malawi, Northern Mozambique, Parts of Zambia and Angola, received more than the normal rainfall, leading to flooding in some parts. Also, the Mozambican coast was hit by a Cyclone named Flavio that caused some devastation around the costal city of Vilanculos. The way this happened and the orchestration of the events in the press definitely had a strong taste of weather manipulation.Flavio just had that "artificial look" on the satellite weather images. The crisis was much exaggerated by the media and there is no more talk of flood relief now.Contacts in the area actually told me that the Cyclone (The equivalent of a hurricane in the Indian Ocean) already lost it's power before it hit the coast, where it was downgraded to a strong storm.Probably the fact that we had orgonised the coast up to Vilanculos on land and by sea previously and stationed a CB in that town, helped to bring that about. We often find the press "strangely out of sync" when a manufactured weather event doesn't unfold as planned.They just cannot change the song sheet fast enough. My contacts told me that the rainfalls were strong, stronger than normal, but rather welcome in most parts. The reported floodings mostly affected wetlands that were never meant for human settlement, because they are natural overflow areas and get submerged in the natural course of events occasionally.Most adjacent communities use them for seasonal grazing and don't find anything dramatic in abandoning those lands during the rainy season. Population pressures in Mozambique and Malawi may have persuaded some villagers now to settle permanently in those areas, which of course isn't really sustainable.

Another factor is overgrazing, resulting in the destruction of the natural wetland ecosystems, destroying their water retention capacity.Zambia and Malawi in fact had such good harvests recently that they replaced South Africa as the biggest exporter of Maize in Africa. Could that have something to do with our 1000 or so TBs and 4 CBs that Dr. Chipangula distributed in Malawi last year?For him at least, that connection was clear, as Malawi was also "earmarked" for drought in early 2006 but experienced wonderful rains right after the orgonite was deployed.

Another suspicious information reached me by word of mouth: The United States Military was planning to increase its presence in Mozambique where there are already gigantic UN-Bases. What better pretext for bringing in the heavy equipment and infrastructure than a manufactured humanitarian crisis.We can see this pattern all over Africa and when your vision is primed with some alertness and natural suspicion you can see these forces at work in every, really, every African crisis. I have enough information by now to back up this claim if ever challenged.

They are ALL manufactured one or the other way.The Powers That Be do not want Africa to prosper in peace for whatever obvious or unfathomable reasons. (trying to understand the minds of compulsive predators and parasites is something I do not want to waste energy on)

The impression we got was that an artificial weather barrier had been created along the course of the mighty river, causing all the rain to come down north of it and leaving nothing for the countries further South.

This impression was enforced by one of the EW chatblast sessions, were Carol Croft, who is known as a very accurate psychic, pointed at Lake Kariba when I asked for a strategic spot that I needed to gift in order to end the drought.

The impression was confirmed by the other psychics present in that session as well. This got me really excited because it coincided with the other piece of important information pointing towards Lake Kariba from a very different source:

2. Lake Kariba - a desecrated sanctuary 

Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa, shaman, artist and record keeper of the Zulu oral history tradition, who is the internationally renowned author of "Indaba my children" and other insightful books on African history, religion and mythology, dedicated a whole chapter of "Indaba my children" to the history of this place which he identified as one of the holiest places in Africa.

He speaks of an order of clairvoyant telepathic healers who chose this spot to perform their sacred healing work many hundred years ago. The sick and desperate from as far as the Congo River would flock to Kariba Gorge in order to find healing and spiritual enlightenment.

These healers were known as THE HOLY ONES. From one day to another they disappeared, without a trace. After them "another band of thinkers and witchdoctors" (Credo's Words) took their place, reviving the traditions and knowledge of the original holy ones. About 15 generations ago these were replaced by the tribes of the Ba-Tonga and Tonga Ila, who lived in Kariba Gorge and adjacent areas until the construction of the great dam in the late 1950s.When the dam was finally built, the Ba-Tonga and Tonga Ila were forced to leave at gunpoint. Several members of the tribes who initially resisted the eviction were killed.

Mutwa sees the act of building the dam exactly in this holiest of holy places as an act of spiritual warfare and doesn't believe the government of what was then the Rhodesian Federation (Now Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi) could have been unaware of the grave consequences of this destructive move.

He describes in great detail a gruesome ceremony held by 17 Sangomas (witchdoctors/spiritual healers) during which a serious curse was placed on the dam. He was one of the participants in that event. Of course these many generations of healers did not congregate at this particular place by accident.

The location must have some very special energetic properties."...that not only is Kariba the navel o the earth, but that also the knot of time is located there, where the past, the present and the future of the entire Universe are tied together in a knot.

It is also said that somewhere in Kariba there is a cave, and that in this cave the future of the world is carved in sacred characters on a great slab of rock." (Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa "Indaba my children" p. 578) 

Conquering powers have always used the deliberate desecration of their holy spots as a means of spiritually breaking the preceeding culture or civilization.

How many holy oaks have been felled by zealous Christian Missionaries in the forests of Germania, Gallia and Brittannia for example.

This is etheric power politics and it has been going on forever. Before you kill a nation, you've got to kill it's soul...In the past ancient "heathen" places of worship were often replaced by cathedrals of the new Christian faith. The 19 and 20th century's faith is technical progress, hence dams, mines, highway interchanges and massive groupings of deathforce transmitters (falsely labeled as cell phone masts) are now the beacons of etheric and spiritual conquest.

When we first approached the large artificial lake, that is burying all that Credo talks about, the feeling was that of a major disappointment, the place felt dead! Getting ready So the idea was born to gift this vast body of water intensively, in order to turn the whole energetic situation of the region around. Don wrote to me, he thinks that intensive water gifting can disable HAARP influence in a very large area, even when not all land based microwave towers are busted. His recent work on the HAARPicane infested coast of Florida seems to support that hypothesis and of course our trip was meant to be another experiment to verify this idea.

In order to access such a large stretch of water (the goal was to gift the Zambesi on a length of about 600km with at least 1 TB per km) I figured, I needed to bring my own boat. Relying on local fisher boats or renting boats from the (few and far between) tourist  lodges along the river appeared very unreliable and potentially time consuming. So. I bought a used semi rigid inflatable with a 40hp outboard motor on a trailer and that's what we towed all the way up to Zambia.

Getting ready for the Zambesi Orgonite gifting safari

"A man is nothing without his boat"

Also the Landy was completed with a lot of extra safari equipment, such as an expedition roof rack with holders for "jerry cans" and gas bottles, roof tent and other useful stuff. Also the boat, quite an oldie, had to be looked at and the engine serviced before undertaking such a momentous trip.

This was only made possible by some generous support from friends to whom our thanks go out. The equipment will of course be used for many more projects in the future. We took some 180l of 2-stroke mixed petrol in jerry cans and the tank of the boat because we already knew petrol to be much more expensive in Zambia, but we had no idea how much more expensive it would be.

Petrol and Diesel proved to be the major cost factor on this trip with about 1000 km driven by boat on the water and almost 5000 km driven by car on land. A boat of this type uses approximately 50l per hundred km. So, total consumption was about 500l petrol + 25 bottles of 2-stroke-oil and 700 l of Diesel.

I really can't wait until some viable free energy devices come onto the market that will liberate us from this horrible need to pay toll fees to the petroleum cartel whenever we want to go anywhere.

We took approximately 800 water gifts, mostly TBs some of our special dolphin balls and lots of HHGs as well as some mini cloud busters (single pipe) and 2 full blown cloud busters that were also sponsored by supporters overseas. I was accompanied by Robert, a friend from Stellenbosch near Cape Town, who brought a rich experience in boating along as he uses boats a lot in his job as a marine surveyor. I think without his competent help I would never have managed. 

Orgonite gifting map of Zambesi expedition

Map of the places gifted on the expedition:

The blue dots are orgone gifts as usual. because of their proximity and the scale of the map they form a continuous line here most of the time.I am now going to show you some pictures from our trip. They are not all meant to prove a point, as water gifting rarely produces the same dramatic and immediate results in the atmosphere as for example tower gifting in previously untreated regions or putting up a CB in totally DOR infested territory.Most of the main roads we took had been gifted previously and we only put out additional orgonite were we felt that the energy was still bad.But I hope that by illustrating the narrative with some pictures, showing the landscape, the people we met on our way and the wildlife, we can give you a feeling for what this work of large scale continent gifting is all about and maybe entice you to do similar work in your region or come along on one of our future Orgone Safaris and experience Africa in all it's beauty and occasional ugliness often far away from the well trodden tourist routes. The upper Zambesi above Victoria Falls

First Stop on orgonite gifting safari Francistown

First camp stop 20 km behind Francistown, Botswana

Zambesi Orgonite Safari - Kazungula Ferry

Waiting in line at the Kazungula ferry

The upper Zambesi above the Victoria Falls is quite wide ad looked navigable from Livingstone where I had been before. So, when we arrived, we looked for a boat ramp, which we fond at the local Boat Club. A bit of a leftover from colonial times, we could say, the boat club must have seen better days...We only saw 3 boats there and none of them were out on the river. We were told that the river was only navigable up to 12 km from Livingstone. Well, off we went, only to find that indeed some 12 km upstream the river was dividing into several fast flowing channels with rocks under the surface, which can be dangerous if you hit them with your propeller at high speed. So we went very slowly, watching the water intently.After a while we felt discouraged to go any further, without the help of a competent river guide. The rapids looked faster and faster and we scraped stone here or there. The idea of having to go back all this with the stream, where you have very little control, once you're in it, was a bit frightening.

Orgonite Gifting Zambesi upstraem from Vic Falls

The Zambesi upstream from Vic Falls

Luckily we saw some boats tied to a jetty and went on land to find out if someone could give us at least directions as to how to proceed. And here we got very lucky, as we met Mylos, a professional boatman and river guide who is normally driving large tourist groups further upstream. There were no groups that day and so he agreed to come along.He knew exactly how to jump the rapids and so we could continue our journey upstream at full speed. He even organised a life jacket for each of us, in case we would topple over. Great fun! That way we proceeded upstream for another 30 km or so, after which distance also Mylos' knowledge of the river ended, but not the rapids.

Zambesi river gifting with orgonite

Robert and Mylos, our river guide

zambesi river gifting - Mylos, our boat guide


Orgonite river gifting - elephants on the bank

Elephants on the Zimbabwean river bank

We go to a village, where some villagers were busy with their dugout canoes and Mylos engaged in a lively conversation with the fishermen, to find out what they could tell about the rapids further upstream.

Orgonite river gifting - traditional village in Zambia

Traditional Zambian village on the river banks

Orgonite river gifting

Villagers in discussion with Mylos about the best route on the river

Unfortunately the information was not very comprehensive and so we did not proceed much further and slowly turned back instead. In the meantime some lively energised cumulus cloud had started forming above us. Mylos had already taken a keen interest in what we were doing with the orgonite and was quite sympathetic to the idea, so when we talked about finding a suitable place for a cloud buster, he suggested an uninhabited island that he knew.

orgonite gifting the headwaters of Victoria Falls

Cumulus forming after some gifting

We had to go back to the Boat Club, where the Landrover was parked with the CBs on board and load the CB. On our way back we took a little detour, getting as close to the falls as we safely could without getting sucked in and unloaded quite a bit of extra orgonite at the headwaters of he falls.

Orgonite gifting above Vic Falls

The smoke that thunders - spray from Victoria Falls

The falls were very full and the spray mist was visible from afar as a standing cloud with brilliant rainbow light refractions. The African Name of the falls is Mosia - o Tunya or "the smoke that thunders". Please note the phonetic analogy between "Tunya" and "Thunder" as well as "Mosia" and "Mist". Credo Mutwa has found hundreds of such words that are very similar in Bantu languages (All subsaharan black African people except the nilotic people of Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan and some other groups belong to the Bantu group of languages) and Indo-Germanic languages of Europe. Who is then still surprised that Mama is absolutely the same word in Zulu, Italian, German, English and many other languages in slight variations. So much about our common roots in a more ancient civilisation and the tower of Babylon...

Orgonite gifting Zambezi - First Hippo

The first hippos - we'd see millions more. We got the CB and embarked again to land on the island a few km upstream again.Apparently the only other visitors there were elephants and hippos 

Orgonite gifting Zambesi - elephant footprints

Those Elephants have footprints like craters

Orgonite gifting - CLOUDBUSTER ON ISLAND

Mylos, Robert and the CB

Orgonite Cloudbuster in hollow tree

Giant hollow wild fig tree, an ideal place for our CB, I thought

Orgonite CB hidden in tree

If that's not producing synergy...

Orgonite Safari Zambesi - Sunset

Puttering home after a nice day of work

We went home in a very satisfied and peaceful mood and had a few drinks (The national brew in Zambia is aptly named Mosi-o-Tunya, what else) at the bar of the Zambesi Waterfront with Mylos. I hope he will read this report on the itnernet and stay in touch. The website URL he has. Next morning we went down to the falls. But since we had both seen them (and I gifted them) previously we did not enter the little park.

It would have taken too much time and due to the intense spray we'd just have gotten wet without seing too much. Instead we went on the old bridge in the no-mans land between Zambia and Zimbawe, not without tossing a few more gifts just below the falls.The bridge was built at Cecil Rhodes' (the great plunderer of Africa) time and is a major tourist attraction. At the centre point adrenalin junkies and those loathe to admit their cowardice (like myself) engage in the deepest drop bungee jumping, or so they want to make you believe. Not for me! I did not feel too easy virtually entering Zimbabwe with orgonite in my pocket again, but luckily the next Zimbabwian officials were always at a safe distance. Phew!. 

Cellphone towers gifted with orgonite

These trees are surely not indigenous - gotta call the Department of Forestry, I guess...

Orgonite gifting from the river bank

Tossing it from the bank

The town of Livingstone has become a virtual circus for the "safari-Industry" with microlight flights, booze cruises, and all kind of stupefying herd-activities advertised at every corner.In my mind also a way of desecrating a power spot that Mosi-o-Tunya certainly is. But Zambia has an easy going laissez faire approach to all kind of operators in the tourism industry as long as they bring revenue and employment. I hope they will be wise enough to preserve some tranquility in such a great and wonderous place.

Orgonite gifting map upstream from Vic Falls

What we did upstream of Vic Falls

This is how far we got. Not too far, and we had felt that the stretch between Kazungula where we entered the country and Livingstone was energetically particularly bad. So we decided to bust the parallel road very intensively on our way home much later (1 TB every 2 km between L'stone and Kazungula) Lake Kariba

Orgonite gifting road to Kariba

The road to Sinazongwe and Kariba Next day we took off to Lake Kariba our "core destination".The descent from the main Livingstone-Lusaka road is about 80km through mountainous terrain with fascinating views.We sensed a strange blackness in the atmosphere above the lake, long before the lake became visible. 

Orgonite gifting safari - Lake Kariba

First glimpse of the lake The lake itself presented itself with a leaden, oppressive feel and it was very damp and hot. Strange in wintertime.

Giant Baobab on Orgonite Safari Near Kariba

Giant Baobab in Sinazongwe

Boat launch on Kariba for some orgonite gifting

Launching the boat on Kariba

We found a place to launch the boat on the next morning. The wind had picked up considerably and my experienced companion was already concerned about the waves.

Orgonite gifting Kariba - fishing pontoon

Typical fishing pontoon on Kariba

Indeed the wind was standing against our direction of travel and the lake was very choppy. It was extremely unpleasant and we got completely wet in the first few minutes.It was actually very cold due to the wind chill and we were getting that kreeping feeling of slow despair.We tied to hug the coast as much as possible to stay out of the strong wind but that didn't work too well either, because we had to avoid those sunken forests close to  the shore.We went very slow at approximately 8-9 kmh and noticed after 2 hours that we hadn't really made much progress. Finally I lost all my patience and decided to try a very different approach: Full speed ahead!<This meant we were hopping the waves and often landing very hard, because of the choppy uneven rhythm of those waves.

I was often afraid that the boat would break and we were later to learn that this cruel treatment (of the boat and our own backs) did in fact finish the old pontoons of that boat. The old seams just didn't like that treatment.The old lady had probably been looking forward to a comfortable retirement as a fun- and fishing boat on some small South African River and now we were treating her as if it was a high strung race horse in her prime. But we got there! The goal had been to reach the inflow of the river at the far end of the lake and we would have never made that in a day and back at the previous cautious speed. Too bad about the boat...

Hiding some orgonite in a cleft

Hiding it in a cleft

At the very end of Lake Kariba, where the river comes in, we hid a mini CB. The river looked navigable for a bit further up but unfortunately we had to consider time and our limited petrol on board. One wouldn't want to be on such unpredictable waters after nightfall, especially if one doesn't know where the hidden tree stumps and rocks are.

Orgonite tour Kariba - Skipper Robert

The skipper waiting till I'm done

Orgonite tour Kariba - Skipper Georg

Sometimes the skipper allowed me to steer the boat as well

Especially after I earned my medal for "bravery in the face of the enemy" in wave hopping .In fact this fury that got me to risk the boat against that gruesome wind was born out of the perception that we were up against a hostile consciousness that did not want us to succeed. 

Orgonite gifting Kariba - dead energy?

In a way, the lake looked boring over large stretches. Is that all the dead energy?

Orgonite gifting Kariba - dead trees

Dead trees remind us that this was not really meant to be a lake...

For our next stretch we had to go all the way back to the main road, drive eastward there and return o the lake. A detour of 300km to get to a point 85 km further down on the lake shore were we expected to be able to launch again.

We decided that Robert would move the boat to that place called Chipepo, a simple fisher village where white people are still a curious occurrence.

Cellphone towers gifted with orgonite in Gwembe

Tower near Gwembe, on our second approach of the lake

There was a road close to the lake shown on the map but I did not find it. After trying some overgrown and bumpy tracks, I returned to the main road and asked the driver of a small construction truck for directions. He knew the road very well but advised me not to take it, because he was part of the team that was just rebuilding the bridge there and he advised that only with 2 or more vehicles (for recovery) and some guys going ahead and chopping the thorn bushes down should that road be navigated.

Road to Chipepo - orgonite gifted

Going down to Chipepo

Traditional village near Chipepo - orgonite gifted

Traditional village on the way

We did not plan to stay at Chipepo but continued all the way to Siavonga, a little holiday resort town near the dam wall, our last stop at Lake Kariba after picking the boat up in Chipepo. That was another almost 600km drive (in order to progress some 120 km on the lake) so that we only arrived there after midnight. 

Waiting for the orgonite boat in Chipepu

Waiting for my man @ Chipepu

Orgonite Gifter arrives in Chipepu

And there he comes..

But we had saved a whole day that way, by moving the boat and the car in parallel. I think that's the best way to gift large water bodies. Travel with 4 people and always move the vehicle and the boat at the same time, switching the teams so that all can share in the water gifting fun. 

Kariba Gorge gifted with orgonite

Kariba Gorge

Faintly in the background you see the actual Kariba Gorge - That's the energy hot spot, I think.

As I said earlier, over large stretches I was actually disappointed by the lake. Had I Expected too much?

A lot of it felt outright boring and dead. I am not sure which part is the original Kariba Gorge. Looking back in the direction of the dam wall (see above) I felt a strong positive and peaceful emotion. Was this the original spot Credo was talking about?

Another place that felt very strongly (and got gifted massively) were these 2 islands:

The cursed rocks - orgonite gifted

These two former mountains, now islands, also felt energetically strong

Could it be that these are identical with the two great rocks about whom Credo Mutwa said:"And there was a place, now forever buried under water, where, if one listened carefully in a crevice between two great rocks, one heard the sound of running water. But it sounded as though it came from far below the crust of the earth.Around this cleft, between the two rocks grew the legend that Kariba was also the gateway to the underworld,...

big lake orgonite gifted

Yo, it's a big lake

Kapenta fishing platform on orgonite gifting tour Kariba

Another Kapenta fishing platform

Another one - orgonite gifted

And another one 

choppy waters on orgonite gifting tour Kariba

getting choppy again

picknick on orgonite water gifting tour Zambesi - Kariba

picknick bay

Picknick Break on Kariba Orgonite Water safari

Peaceful picknick break 

Sunset on Kariba water orgonite safari

Yeah, and those postcard sunsets are for real. It's actually all the smoke in the air that makes them so beautiful

Kariba Dam wall - orgonite gifted from a distance

We didn't go close to the wall as it's under constant camera surveillance

Land orgonite gifting near Siavonga

Gifting Siavonga on land

Hiding a piece of orgonite under some stones

Hiding a thing

Market in Siavonga - Orgomite gifting tour Zambesi - Kariba

Market in Siavonga

orgonite gifts distributed in Lake Kariba

Our orgone trail through Kariba - approximately 280 gifts

The lower Zambezi From Siavonga we proceeded on the road that leads to the main border post, Chirundu, in order to btranch of on a very small dirt road, just before the Zambesi. The main road trhough to Chirundu is presently under reconstruction, which means it mostly consists of bumpy detours on gravel and mud, road construction African style. The branch off was blocked by trucks waiting to cross the border and it took us a while to fuind it.

Kafue River at Gwabi, gifted with Orgonite

Kafue River @ Gwabi

Our first stop was at a camping site in Gwabi, just 5 km upstream on the Kafue River, a tributary of the Zambesi. 

Sunset at Gwabi on Orgonite Gifting Safari of the Lower Zambesi

And another one of those picture postcard sunsets

Cumulus Cloud showing up - inevitably after orgonite gifting

Some nice cumulus clouds were showing as soon as we started gifting

From here we launched the boat the next morning with the goal of getting as close to the dam wall of Kariba from the downstream side as possible in order to continue our orgonite trail as uninterupted as possible.

Orgonite gifting under bridge in Chirundu

This is the main border post bridge at Chirundu which we passed underneath

deflated boat on orgonite water safari of the Zambesi


And then she gave me that sinking feeling...Unfortunately after another 30km or o we noticed that one of the pontoons was losing air very rapidly. We had to make a landfall and inspect the damage.Apparently one of the seams had come lose from the intese hammering we gave her on the first day on Lake Kariba. 

Orgonite Cloudbuster in the bush

CB on the lower Zambesi

We decided to try and fix the leak, which would take a few hours. In the meantime I lookedfor a good spot to place the CB. It seemed unlikely that we would continue our journey further upstream that day.


Fixing the boat on orgonite water safari

Robert trying to patch the leak.

Patching the orgonite gifting vessel

There it is..

Thank god we had some patches and glue After that we went back to Gwabi, awoiding pods of bathing hippos all the time. They can turn over a boat without much hassle if they feel annoyed by our intruding presence.

Back on the river - gifting more orgonite

On the river again

On the next day we split up again, this time it was me who moved the boat to our next stop, Mvuu Lodge, about 50km further downstream and close to the entry of the Lower Zambesi National Park.Robert was taking the car.

deflated orgone gifting boat

Deflated once more

And then she gave me that sinking feeling again...Unfortunately our patchwork only held up for the first 25 km. So, half the way I had to navigate with the limp pontoon held up by hand to limit the inflow of water a bit.

Arriving at Mvuu - orgonite gifting the Zambesi

Luckily these boats can stay afloat with only the front pontoon inflated. Arriving at Mvuu lodge I found that I was still faster on the water than Robert on the land route. 

Elephant in orgonite safari camp

Camping with elephants

Soon after we had set up camp a young elephant bull visited our camp. We heard later that he was an angry one because village kids had thrown stones at him. Obviously our camp was blocking his way to the river, where he'd been drinking before, before we arrived.But he kept a curious distance and never made any threatening moves. We would actually see him again and again during our stay at that site, mostly rummaging through the close by bush and small tree vegetation.

Mighty tranquil Zmbesi - orgonite gifted

The mighty, mighty Zambesi - It's quite a character, this river

So here we were in the middle of pristine wilderness with a dilapidated boat and the feeling was somewhat subdued again. Luckily we found that the lodge had 3 fibreglas boats for hire with strong outboard motors. So we decided to leave our own boat in its sorry state, take one of theirs and try to fix ours just for the short leg back to Gwabi, where we had left the trailer, afterwards.


Getting ready to toss some more orgonite

Getting ready to throw again

Our new skipper on orgonite water gifting tour - now lower Zambesi

Chengerani was a cool and competent skipper

The boat was rented "dry" but with a competetnt skipper and river guide to steer it. In fact, in hindsight I must say it all worked out very well, because with the 85hp outboard, we could go so much faster than we could have ever done with or own boat. As a result, we actually made it through the whole Lower Zambesi National Park and to the Mozambiquan border and back in one single day. Previously we had anticipated only to go 2/3 or so through the park and back, or try to camp somewhere on the river bank. 

Hippos wherever you look on lower Zambesi orgonite gifting leg

Ever seen so many hippos? Me neither!

Transversing this magnificent park was one of the most impressive wildlife tours I've ever done.The place just teemed with life, birds flying over head, myriads of hippos in the water, Elephants, waterbuck, buffalo, and other game on the banks and the odd crocodile basking in the sun. 

Croc on the river bank on Zambesi orgonite gifting water safari

Don't wanna meet him under water, do you?

Gorge on the Zambesi - orgonite gifted

The gorge on the way to Mozambique

elephants fighting on river bank - orgonite safari Lower  Zambesi

I spoke to her first...

Elephant bull - orgonite water safari Lower Zambesi

(Two young bulls fighting it out)

Having a cuppa - Orgonite Water gifting Safari Lower Zambesi 2007

Cuppa tea warms nicely

Crocodile on the banks of the Zambesi - Orgonite Gifting Trip 2007

Another  dinosaur ..

Zambezi orgonite gifing tour - The gorge

The gorge

Zambezi Orgonite Gifting Trip

Water buck, the wildlife was really stunning

Zambezi Orgonite Gifting Tour - Hippo on Land

They look a bit stupid on land

Zambezi Orgonite Gifting Tour

Orgonite on the Zambezi

Getting home late

This was really most gratifying and the satisfaction of having gifted the river down to the Mozambiquan border was enormous. So next time, I can skip Zambia and start on the Mozambiquan side right away, where the Cahora Bassa Reservoir starts only a few kms downstream. That will be th theme of the next boat safari, together with Lake Malawi.

The next day we were just lazing around with the only chore being to fix the boat again.

I got some laquer thinner from the guys at the lodge and by washing the seam with that and sanding it very thoroughly, I hoped to get a somewhat more lasting fix and indeed that one at least lasted the whole way from Mvuu to Gwabi on the next day.

Orgonite Gifting the zambezi

River bank

Orgonite Gifting Zambezi - Monkeys in the camp

Those monkeys raided our camp for food

Cooking a meal on Zambezi Orgonite Gifting Safari

Cooking a meal

The pontoon ferry over the Kafue River on Zambezi Orgonite gifting tour

The pontoon ferry over the Kafue river

On the way back, Robert took the car again and I the boat. And we met at Gwabi to put the boat on the trailer and get ready for the long journey home.

We were to sleep over in Livingstone again and then cross the border early in the morning at the Kazungula ferry

Orgonite Gifting Map - Lower Zambezi

Lower Zambezi gifted

Kazungula ferry - last stop on our Zambezi Orgonite gifting tour

Back in Kazungula - with a bit of excitement

On the ferry a little fracas ensued when someone noticed me slipping a few exra TBs into the river. Suddenly I was surrounded by yelling people who wanted to "report me to the authorities".

"oh my god - not Zimbabwe all over again" I thought. But somehow he whole commotion subsided when we arrived on the oher bank (Botswana) and everybody left without saying a further word.

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