Namibia Expedition September/October 2004
We've been planning this orgonite gifting tour for a long time:To connect our efforts o the eastern side of the subcontinent to the atlantic coast!Namibia is one of the dryiest countries in the world, despite it's position at the sea (some 1600 km Atlantic beach) in a somewhat moderate climate zone in the African context, as far as latitude is concerned. A strange anomaly that is being explained by the official weather guys with some talk about the cold Benguela current.Of course we don't believe a word of that and see the reason for these fatal weather mechanics with one of the few coastal deserts in the blockage of orgone energy flow.Causes and exact location of this blockage are as yet unknown, but we have heard rumours from esoteric circles that this blockage was installed by "darkside" forces some 10,000 years ago. (that makes it the late period of Atlantis, right?)
Map of Namibia.Namibia was a German Colony until 1918 (Deutsch Südwestafrika) and still has a German feel to it in many respects. A large proportion of the white population is of German extraction and still speaks German as a mother tongue. I felt strangely touched by this "Germanness" and couldn't help but delve a bit deeper into the German colonial past.In post WWII Germany we have been systematically educated in self hate which includes the automatic presumption that Germany must have an especially gruesome colonial past, leading in a straight line to the atrocities of the Nazi-Period. That this is not really the truth as I have already learned in Uganda in talks with our very learned friend Bishop B, a Tutsi, who knows so much about the shenanigans of all colonial powers in Eastern and Central Africa. Apart from the general arrogance -shared by all Europeans of that period- with which all colonial powers felt entitled to endow their "culture and civilisation" (and extract labour and raw materials in return from those lands) to peoples of inferior weapons technology the world over, the Germans invested much more into the future of their colonies than others who were out for fast gain like Belgiums notorious "butcher of the Congo" King Leopold, the British under Rhodes or the French who depopulated and deforested large tracts of Africa with great gusto.Still today the German influence in Namibia is tangible in the form of an unobtrusive functioning of things, a widely shared love of neatness and cleanliness. If that's so bad, then please..
Day 1: (25.9)
We drove from Johannesburg to Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. There we stayed at our friend and buster companero Andy's house. We spent a nice evening, pampered by his wife Marrieth. Another friend of Andy's was present, the former editor of a wellknown South African business and economy magazine, who was astonishingly interested and open minded towards our work. The route to Gaborone had been thoroughly busted long ago, so we could leave late and travel at ease.
Day 2 (26.9)
Transkalahari Highway from Gaborone to Gobabis.The road through the Kalahari was rather boring. One doesn't see many wild animals any more, since extensive breading of cattle, sheep and goats has taken over the grazing and left no space for the original variety of game. Instead there were plenty of deathforce transmitters (some still call them cell phone towers) to bust. Andy had done the larger part of tat route alllready, but I thought: "Safe is Safe".
Transmitters along Transkalahari Highway Crossing the Namibian border with 400kg orgonite went without problems. I had done some atmospheric improvement work with the PW first by strongly visualising friendly waving customs officers who would take no interest in our cargo.At night we were the guests of our dear cloud-buster client Georg in Gobabis, or rather his wife Sabine because Georg had to be in Windhoek and we would only meet him there next morning. Both are very concerned that Namibia might experience a situation similar to that in Zimbabwe with farm occupations etc. He's got the feeling though, that after putting up a CB by his house in town and on his farm 70km away and distributing some more orgonite gifts including some at the local SWAPO (the ruling party) headquarters, the relation to his farm workers has improved a lot and threatening political campaigning has somewhat abated. Also it has rained more on his farm and that of his also CB-owning neighbour Ingo then on the surrounding farms.I do hope however, that the mental effects of orgonite will also help Georg to develop a more friendly and long term sustainable attitude towards his black fellow Namibians.
Georg's CB from Orgonise-Africa Gobabis is the centre of cattle ranching in the East of the country (Omaheke Province) and because of the relatively lavish rainfalls (400mm/year is lush for Namibian circumstances) sought after grazing. It is probably the only part of the country where some real pressure from the (very numerous despite the alleged genocide by the colonial germans) Hereros towards taking over the white-owned farms is felt. More rain, as we seek to achieve with our initiative, can obviously relieve some tension in such a situation as it would suddenly increase the carrying capacity of the existing grazing lands. This, apart from the mental effects (reported over and over again) which so often allow parties gridlocked in unproductive strife to find new possibilities of amicable cooperation.
From Gobabis to Windhoek
On the way to Windhoek we put a TB out every 10km in order to complete an "orgone corridor" from the Indian Oean to the Alantic. There were relatively few deathforce transmitters (alleged cell phone towers) but a high tension power line.
Near Witvlei we found a German military cemetary that was gifted with an HHG.Georg gave us the phone no. of his friend Ingo and we agreed on a meeting that night. Ingo and his wife Bärbel have already built a CB and are fully clued up on orgonite.Who would have expected to meet such wonderful people!I was really very excited to see that an independent group of CBers had sprung up here. Really touching to see a life size CB in a strange country, made by (formerly, not any more now) strange people...A lot of good hints and the phone no. of Bärbel's equally CB-owning sister in Walvis Bay were given to us that night. f course the deathforce transmitters in Windhoek, as well as the main masonic coven and various governmental targets were hit that day.Sam Nujoma is busy having a somewhat oversize bunker-like state house built by some flown in North Koreans under high security. It goes without mentioning that the bombastic complex was properly pre-inaugurated.
Masonic Coven in Windhuk
Uncle Sam(Nujoma)'s new Palace
Windhoek Township
Day 4 (28.09):
From Windhoek to Sossusvlei After that it was into the desert, direction Namib Naukluft park.
En route to the desert The Vegetation was becoming increasingly sparse and vistas of grand emptiness opened up in front of us.Since there were no d/f transmitters on the way, we decided to bust preferably the dry river beds of which there are many. They mostly have some underground water veins that could be used to energise tha larger areas. This method we would utilise during the whole trip.It was a somewhat new situation for me, as in almost all previous expeditions d/f transmitters were found in such densities, that busting all of them and a few outstanding or obvious targets would provide sufficient coverage for an area.
The fact that we received very little visual confirmation for what we were doing didn't make things easier. I often had the feeling of entirely "shooting in the dark", not knowing if our efforts would result in any amount of success.This made it even more important to stick to the plan and sysytematically bust the whole country as far as possible. I had dowsed the positions for our 5 CBs before departure. Now that we had found a functioning CB in Windhoek, we had a spare one left to deploy in Ovamboland, a welcome addition to our target list.
Vortex over Sossusvlei A nice Cloud vortex formed over Sossusvlei, southwest of our Camping ground after I demporarily deployed one of our CBs.
Day 5 (29.09)
Sossusvlei We went from the camping ground (Sesriem) to Sossusvlei. A "Vlei" in Afrikaaans means a marsh-pan, which can be like marshland or a shallow lake in the rainy season but may dry out completely in the dry winter months. Generally almost all rivers in namibia only carry water in the short rainy season. Exceptions: The Kunene at the border to Angola, the Fish-River and the Orange River at the border to South Africa.
Dune landscape near Sossusvlei
Dune landscape near Sossusvlei
Here we walked up and dug in a HHG
Wave patterns formed by the wind
Oryx in the shadow of a tree You can see that the dry river bed of the Sesriem and the dry pan of Sossusvlei do carry life-giving underground water. One finds an astonishing multitude of trees and shrubs and quite a few animals in this green strip through the desert.We were told though, that the drying-up process is still intensifying.
Day 6 (30.09)
From Sossusvlei to Walvis Bay On the 30th we left Sossusvlei. In the morning we quickly went to have a look at the Sesriem Canyon and leave some gifts there.
Sesriem Canyon
Water hole in Sesriem Canon
There we did even find an open water hole.
Recording the meager rain falls at Solitaire
In the late afternoon we arrived at Walvis Bay. There we found hospitable accomodation at Bärbel's sister Heida's place, who allowed us to stay in her house although she was away herself. In Heida's garden we saw another well crafted CB of her own making. Again the masonic dungeon attracted our attention right in the beginning with it's particularly stale Aura (or rather the absence of any positive energy) Three judiciously placed should set an end to that. Sorry, no more Baphomet..
Harbour of Walvis Bay Of course we distributed some orgonite in town and around and didn't fail to drop some in the water as well.
Day 7 (01.10)
As we had internet access in Walvis Bay, we noticed that we had received some good orders in our absence so that our financial situation looked a bit better than anticipated. So the thought came up to rent an air plane and bust the otherwise difficult to access (only with permit and very hard and slow to drive) desert strip between Walvis Bay and Lüderitz (approx. 400km south) from the air. We systematically dropped one TB every 10km over land. On the way back we flew over water, hugging the shoreline and doing the same with our etheric sticks. I just cannot accept that there should be a desert directly bordering the sea.
The plane
The team in the plane
Tracks of "4x4 enthusiasts" destroy the sparse vegetation cover around Walvis Bay
Dunes and sea waves astonishingly similar
Sesriem/Sossusvlei from the air
Life in the desert
Dune encroaching on Savannah
Lüderitz under aerial attack
Fat cloud banks up to the shore line. Then: Drought - everything evaporates.
Coastal fog
Coastal fog
Bombarding the coast
Desert border I would have loved to also bombard the "Sperrgebiet" (blocked area) from the air, but that was not possible under cost and fuel range considerations. The "Sperrgebiet" is even more secretive than the Namib-Naukluft Park. It is almost entirely under the control of DeBeers (in Joint Venture with the Namibian State) and who knows what the "illumined brothers" are using it for except scraping for diamonds...
Astonishingly clean and neat streets also in the black Townships - is that still the German Influence? (I haven't seen that anywhere else in Africa and I've been to some places by now) After we had now found a functioning CB in Walvis Bay (another of our premeditated deployment spots) we made contact with a friend of Heida's sister Ute, called Achim, who lives in Swakopmund. We visited him in the evening and had a lively chat. Later, after having had some bites, we put up the CB. Achim was very well clued up on the sisnister dealings of all aspects of the dark forces, yet somewhat disheartened by some terrible blows of fate he had suffered and not without fear of the future.I had the impression though, that our visit and the perspective that it is possible to fight back and win, did build him up a bit. Achim also advised us where to find the local mason's den which was earmarked for extinction on our way to the Brandberg the next morning.
Achim, Friederike and Arjen with Achim's new CB
2nd week
Day 8 (2.10)
From Walvis Bay to the Brandberg Our next goal was the Brandberg, venerated as a holy mountain by the various indigenous peoples of the region for milennia.In the area of the Brandberg that so dramatically rises out of the flatlands more than 40,000 Rockpaintings, -engravings and drawings have been identified. Falsely they have solely been attributed to the bushmen (Khoi-San) and their close relatives the Damara.
HAARPy sky over the Brandberg
A brief hike to the "White Lady"
The "White Lady" of the Brandberg
The most famous of these drawings is the "White Lady". According to Credo Mutwa it is the depiction of a phenician prince hunting. Some 2000 years ago following those oral traditions thre existed a phenicia empire, founded by some small troupe of the Carthagians after their mother city was destroyed by Rome. This empire was overthrown after a few hundred years of existence by an uprising of the enslaved bantu people of the region and it's capital, situated at a now dried out lake, razed to the ground. Some of the hewn stones are said to have been collected by the legendary Monomotapa to build the magnificent Walls of great Zimbabwe.
Now (5 HHG later) the sky already looks much better here
Luminiscence is regularly a confirmation I almost forgot to mention a target of chance that we stumbled upon: As usual magically attracted by a "NO ENTRY" sign we came accross a chinese military base some 50km north of Swakopmund. Quite eerie and out of this world in the middle of Africa with it's distinctly asian roofs and slick shiny newness... It got hammered with some TBs but we made a very rapid turn before the entrance when we saw the "No Jokes" faces of the chinese guards with their MPs. I later learnt, that this is a listening post with advanced "Signal Interception" capacity, and who knows what...Surely a bustworthy place.
Day 9 (03.10)
From the Brandberg to Windhoek On the 3rd we had to drop Friederike at the airport in Windhoek as she could not partake in the whole trip because of the kids. On or way we passed through Omaruru, where we witnessed a colourful parade of Herero in tradional Uniforms and dresses, commemorating events of the war between the Herero and the German colonial "kaiserliche Schutztruppe" soldiers of 100 years ago.
The traditional Herero women wear festiuve gowns
The Herero Women wear impressive formal gowns, inspired by the European fashion of the last turn of the century. Especially noteworthy are the headdresses made from a silky cloth that resemble a helmet with cow horns somehow.
Day 10 (04.10)
from Windhoek to Omihana
Arjen orgonising Von Bach Dam near Okandja
Such "Power Spots" do get some orgonite of course..The next station was to be Mateus's place at Omihana where we planned to deploy another CB. Mateus is a Herero-spiritual healer and seer of some reputation. We had the contact from Ingo, who had consulted him in the past, when cattle thieves raided his farm repeatedly.Not only did Mateus identify the thieves clearly, but he also asked if Ingo wanted him to kill them right away (by remote spiritual means of course) which Ingo refused thankfully, as long as the perpetrators would be prevented from repeating their transgressions.We already met Mateus on the way to his place, a collection of somewhat derelict huts in the dried out bush. His oldest son spoke English very well which made communication easy.Immediately the council of elders of the village (extended family) was convened in order to examine the strange gift. The whole setting and manners were very formal and of a peculiar dignity. Mateus had apparently expected an "apparatus" in the western sense and seemed disappointed at first, when no loud or visible effects were emanating from the contraption. He uses a rusty nail and a mirror shard as his instrument of divination and by those means our CB was checked and passed as "OK" and it's remaining at Omihana approved.All this without any emotional displays of gratitude or curiosity. Everything seemed to be perfectly normal for Mateus.After a symbolic offering of food as a present we were granted permission to pitch our tent.
Formal reception by the village notables
Sunset at Omihana . Later at night some of the younger inhabitants found the way to our campfire where a lively exchange took place over some beers. The respected elders kept a courteous distance though.That Omihana can surely use some rain already became obvious at our arrival when some youngsters asked us for drinking water as they only had dirty some muddy stale water from an almost dry water hole in the village.
Day 11 (05.10)
Omihana to Opuwo From Omihana we went on to Opuwo, the comercial and administrative Centre of the Himba People (Kaokoveld). The Himba are a group that split off from the Herero some 100 Jyears ago, avoiding all too close contact with the colonialists. As the Kaokoveld is very remote, they could preserve their traditional pastoral way of life until today. Increasingly now the area is opening up to tourism and the traditional dress with the characteristic full body paint of ochre and fat becomming a popular photographic motive. The Himba are becoming increasingly aware of the economic value of their cultural otherness which is not without corrupting consequences on their cultural integrity
Opuwo CBOpuwo was one of our pre-selected deployment points for another CB. Luckily we found a very open and interested custodian in Benhard Kuyuu. He would also guide us to visit an authentic Himba village the next morning.
Day 12 (06.10)
It became apparent that in the village the chief had just recently passed away. The HHG that I presented as a gift was intuitively perceived as a spiritual offering and was connected to the commemoration of the deceased chief.
Village elder with HHG
The "First Lady" of the village shown here, the senior wife of the deceased chief, spontaneously fell into a wailing trance in memory of the chief. Further elders were summoned and I was asked to place the HHG onto the grave of the deceased, which I saw as a great honour and show of trust.
Further elders
Boy cooking. After this visit in the morning we went on to the Kunene river, the perennial border river with Angola. Beholding the thunderous Epupa Falls and feeling the freshness of the gushing waters was spectacular after all the sand and dust of the last days.
Finally Water: Epupa Falls
Epupa Falls
Chief's grave
Cattle skulls as a sign of wealth and importance of the deceased.We slept some 100km east of the Epupa Falls at the banks of the Kunene River.
Day 13 (07.10)
In juxtaposition to the rugged and varying Kaokoveld, Ovamboland is a boring flat plateau.The Ovambos are largely fully westernised and the area has been developed by costly infrastructure projects.Hundreds of Kilometres of straight irrigation channels with regular outlets for cattle watering ponds, brand new tar roads with street lights every 10-15m in the Population centres of Oshakati and Ondangwa are indicative of this stark contrast. The fact that President Nujoma is an Ovambo is seen by many as the sole reason why Ovamboland is getting such a large allocation of development funds.Also here we noticed a cleanliness totally untypical in most of Africa.
Day 14 (08.10)
From Ondangwa to the Etosha National Park
Arjen, our first "Orgonise-Africa Safari guest" should now finally get some well deserved rest and be privvy to a real african wilderness experience.First though, we had to find a suitable custodian for our next CB that was earmarked for Ondangwa. A girl who had shown great interest the evening before let us down completely. Maybe the parents talked her out of her initial enthusiasm..It would need 3 attempts in total, riddled with substantial communication problems.(most people speak Afrikaans as the only "white" language. Not exactly my strong point) Luckily in the 3rd attempt we found Mr. Mbinga who spontaneously warmed up to the idea.His 2 sons were fluent in english, so that we managed to explain the basic concept satisfactorily. Also Mr. Mbinga could feel a tickle from the energy above the pipes.He lives in a large traditional Kraal, consisting of a fenced enclosure with some 20 or so reed huts within, all connected by an intricate system of reed walled walkways, in which his apparently numerous women and their various offspring are accomodated. These tradional lyfestyles and dwellings are unfortunately dissappearing fast.
Mr. Mbinga, his 2 sons and Arjen
3rd week
Day 15 (09.10)
Finally: Proper Africa Tourism. Decades ago Namibia was renowned for it's abundance in wildlife. The first white settlers found voluminous herds of elefant, rhinoceros, zebra, giraffes and all sorts of antelopes. As everywhere else in Africa the "civilised" white man managed within a short period of time to decimate these unbelievable riches (aided by the culturally uprooted brown and white peoples who had also been introduced to firearms among other destabilising factors) and thereby ruin the landscape as well that had relied on the fertilisation by the great herds of african animals for millennia.The Etosha National Park, around the seasonal Waterbody "Etosha Pan" is the only continuous great great habitat where a glompse of that perished splendour can still be had.Managed with little inspiration it unfortunately only caters for the self drive tourist, who weels up and down the long dust roads to view the animals from the safe environment of his car. Fortunately the animals are easy to spot, especially in winter when they congregate at the few water holes, some of them artificially maintained by pumping borehole water.How much more exciting it would be to offer guided walks or even horse trails in such areas.
Elephants at the water hole It was nevertheless a good experience and a welcome break
Day 16 (10.10)
From Etosha to Waterberg.On the 10th we went via the small mining towns Tsumeb, Grootfontein and neighbouring areas to the Waterberg.The Waterberg has been the place of the decisive fights between the Hereros fighting for their land and the German "Schutztruppe".The rendering of these events as a genocidal war is mainly the result of British propaganda publications, designed to justify the illegal annexation of the German colonies after WWI. Although the facts tell a different tale, the story has started a life of its own like so many propaganda lies do even after the original authors have long rebuked it. Fact is, that it was a colonial war of conquest and resistance against such, fought with great furor on both sides and little reference to such luxuries as the Geneva convention.The Herero were far from being unarmed or "innocent" victims but fought with great tactical skill and with superior knowledge of the topography, winning many battles.This was aided by the fact that they were equipped with some 6000 mostly quite modern British rifles, (Naughty who would see the "ordering hand" of our dear brothers from the lodge here) opposed by only 1500 Soldiers on the German side. Those had 10 machine guns and a few canons though.After the so called "Battle of the Waterberg", in reality a series of fierce skirmishes, that was by no means decisively won by the Germans, the Hereros used the cover of the night to escape the intended enclosure. Completely unnoticed by the German troops the main body of the Herero set out east into the Omaheke, where many of them would later perish from thirst.There can be no talk of a deadly blockade by the Germans who were so exhausted and without supplies of essential food, forage, that they could only think of a half hearted pursuit 6 weeks later. Omaheke is also not at all a desert but normally good grazing and was well known territory to the Herero. Tragically the part that was traversed by the fleeing groups had not seen any rain that season which was a total surprise for the Hereros as other parts of the country had seen normal rain falls.However, the Herero suffered harsh losses but were far from eradicated as witnessed by their numerous presence today, more numerous than ever in their warlike history.If you want to know more about this and are able to read in German, I recommend the well researched book by Claus Norbruch: "Völkermord an den Herero in Deutsch Südwestafrika - Widerlegung einer Lüge"Apart from such controversal perspectives, this seemed an important place to bust for me.To my great surprise the energy on the plateu, where most of the fighting had taken place was astonishingly positive. Could this be the result of numerous peaceful joint commemoration ceremonies of former Schutztrupppen soldiers with the Hereros?
Day 17 (11.10)
From the Waterberg back to Windhoek
German military cemetery at the Waterberg
Board to commemorate fallen Herero warriors. Endowed by the "confederation of former Schutztruppen soldiers"As the Herero had extracted themselves over night, leaving behind their dead, wounded, sick and everybody who was not able to make the excruciating march, their dead had to buried by the German soldiers anonymously. We were however told by one of the Rangers where the graves were and so we could leave some gifts there as well. BTW, contrary to the legend of the genocidal mode of warfare, the sick and wounded of the Herero were treated in the makeshift field hospital of the German troops and the weak and old people that were left behind were given of the little food and water that was still available.
View over Waterberg plateau
Former imperial police station Waterberg
Because our draw down on ammunition had been considerable and we also overestimated the initial number of TBs we had brought, (it was closer to 750 than 1000) we had to make halt in Windhoek in order to produce some additional ammo.
Ingo and Bärbel offered us their garage and Bärbel participated in the happy pouring party with gusto. We bought 2 x 25kg resin, 6 muffin pans and a bag full of aluminium shavings. For crystals we used simple breakage of milky to opaque quartz that we had previously collected in the field.
Bärbel at the pouring party
Arjen in Action
For both (Ingo joined us later) it was a good inspiration and a demonstration of how easy mass production really is.
The muffin pans and the leftover resin were kept by them for future projects.
Day 19 (13.10)
Next Station "Brukkaros Crater"
Now we were on our way south. The main artery of the country in terms of traffic is the B1 from Windhoek to Keetmanshoop. We had one CB left that was originally destined for Lüderitz. Since we had already exceeded all estimates regarding distances and costs and further Lüderitz had already been hit from the air, we asked the Pendulum (Bärbel's one hand dowsing rod that she's using souvereignly in this case) if we could skip Lüderitz auslassen and put the CB near Mt. Brukkaros instead. Firederike had found this imploded volcano in an official travel guide and intuitively identified it as an energy point of sorts.
Chemtrails at southern periphery of Windhoek
Chemtrails further on in dissolution already
more dissolved Chemtrails
Now already transforming into lively lose clouds
On our way we paid a visit to the North Korean stalinist inspired monument with which Sam Nujoma wants to celebrate his "liberation war". In reality the process took place mostly on the negotiating table.
Sam's heroes' needle
Korean-Stalinist Heroes' Kitsch
Also a somewhat dominant transmitting array towering over the southern exit from the city had to be neutralised on the way. It was somehow locked away in a gated and fenced private housing estate.
Obviously they must be government guest houses or those of very wealthy individuals, because the quite expensively built houses are embedded in almost untouched wilderness of great scenic beauty. Luckily the security guard at the gate let us pass without too many questions.
The biggest mountain top deathray transmitter does not escape unbusted...
More chemsoup
Sylph or soul snatcher?
Sunset over Namaland
Day 20 (14.10)
From Mt. Brukkaros to the border
Solomon with the CB
Miss Bitchi stood up well for all 11,400 km
The interior of the crater
Cloud armada moving in
We were the only guests at the camp ground and the tent was almost blown away by the wind. In the morning I presented the CB to Solomon, who had accompanied us from the little town of Berseba in order to open up the communal camp ground for us.
He accepted the CB as a gift to the whole community without too much doubt or questions.
We hiked into the centre of the crater and when we came back after some 2 hours, an impressive armada of very healthy cumulus cloud had already moved in from the north.
Day 21 (15.10)
From the border via Alexander Bay to Springbok
Alexander Bay a small diamond mining town under full security surveillance, that belongs to the state owned company Alexkor. It is situated in the north-west corner of South Africa and forms the only access to the Namibia mining town of Oranjemund. Oranjemund can only be visited with special permit. even in order to visit Alexander bay we had to register and ID ourselves and expect to be searched on exit.
Since we had not treated the Sperrgebiet between Lüderitz and Oranjemund from the air, I wanted to at least bust the mouth of the Orange River thoroughly so that the (already mentioned) Benguela current would bring charged water to the coast of the Sperrgebiet.
View of Orange River mouth
Coast and derelict Mine buildings at Alexander Bay
Coastal road to Alexander Bay
Cloud sequence: Dissolution of Chemtrails
4th week
Day 22 (16.10)
From Springbok to Upington
In Springbok we found to our great amazement a "Masonic Hotel". The Lady at the reception only laughed when I asked if it’s operated by the masons.
Obviously history then. But following the principle „Safe is Safe“ we did hide a TB near the entrance.
"Masonic Hotel" in Springbok
Transmitting Towers on Gamsberg
One etheric stick hand grenade I had kept for Augrabies Falls. They are rather a series of rapids and smaller falls. In summer, when the Orange River carries more water, the main fall is very impressive though. There, in a cavity washed out over millennia by the plunging waters, it is said that an othewise extinct species of catfish live, devouring every living thing that is unlucky enough to be washed down the falls. Nobody has ever seen these fish, but allegedly they habe been identified on sonar. dem Echolot geortet worden sein.
That’s exactly where the orgonite went.
Augrabies Falls
Day 23 (17.10)
From Upington to Johannesburg
On our last day we spotted a military radar installation near Olifantshoek. We were only able to treat it preliminariily with an HHG at 2-3 km distance, since we took the wrong gravel road and getting closer would have been another 100km detour on gravel.
Radar station north of Olifantshoek
Our Ammo was finished shortly after Kuruman and it was anyways clear that we’d have to re-visit this region soon in a seperate Expedition including Kimberley, the Capital of the Northern Cape.
Lenticular cloud/p>
Rain clouds near Kuruman
In the end we had done 11,400 km on roads of various description and some 900km by air, which was quite tiring for 3 weeks, given the road conditions and regular detours for distant mountain top arrays, accessible only on arduous 4x4 tracks. A week later I am still completely exhausted and tired.
Überblick aller auf der Expedition plazierten Orgonitgaben
Map of all Orgonite gifts placed during the Expedition
As our expedition took place at the end of the regular dry season, we didn’t see a drop of rain during all the more than 3 weeks in Namibia. (only in Upington on our last day)
So I was very delighted, when Bärbel told me on the Monday after the Trip that Windhoek had gotten 40mm of rain and that the rains were countrywide. She said the rain was untypically abundant for the time of year and very positive for the vegetation as it came down in a slow drizzle rather than violent thunderstorms as often is the case in Namibia.
The 2 maps below are from the website of the US-Navy weather service and show the distribution of rain in the last week and the last 24 hours. (from time of writing)
Accumulated rainfall in the week up to 21 October
Rainfall of the last 24 hours (23. Oct, 12.00 Uhr GMT)
The map above is especially telling, as - contrary to the week before - rain can be seen in the coastal desert zone as well.
Southern Africa orgonisation state
The total picture of Southern Africa is still showing frightening gaps in orgonisation. But something has been achieved in 2 years. I hope it will be impossible for the other side to stage all-out “El Nino” drought scenarios (I prefer to call them “El HAARPo” anyways) now.
The true picture is a bit better than shown here as some areas such as parts of Kwa Zulu Natal and Botswana have been busted by others.
Georg Ritschl
Oktober 2004
Update 17 November 2004:
Just got email from our friends in Walvis Bay. Even there, in that harbour town amidst the Namib desert it's raining and that holds for the whole country. Only G. from Gobabis reports it's raining everywhere else, only not over his cloudbuster.. Strange that. I said to him it may be that the universe is punishing him a bit for his antagonistic view of his black fellow Namibians. We shall see, in that respect the last word is surely not spoken yet. Otherwise it looks like a full success. Georg
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