[{"id":290688827449,"handle":"expeditions-busted-in-mozambique-accused-of-sabotage","title":"Accused of Sabotage","updated_at":"2024-09-11T12:50:33+02:00","body_html":"\u003ch1\u003eOrgonite team lingers in prison\u003c\/h1\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eShattered hopes\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eInstead of TV cameras and officials with smiling faces, happy to end this embarrassing episode, we found ourselves in an unspeakable holding cell under the broad formal staircase of the High Court and Provincial State Prosecution Building in Tete. That after having waited in a hallway in front of the prosecutor's office for 2 hours for some paper work to be processed. Only briefly did we get to see Nhantumbo before being locked away and he told us we would go to the \"Civil Prison\" in Tete (Cadeia Civil) and he was still optimistic, saying \"This is your way out!\"Little did we know..\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOh my God about 20 people on 20 m2, one of them with a fresh untreated gunshot wound to his knee, whimpering in pain. No toilet.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe prisoners had designated an area for that. Oh the stink! It was really hard to breathe. After hours under these painful conditions where some prisoners were called out and the heavy steel door slammed shut again, we were led out as well.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe were brought to a truck where the load area was converted to a steel cage with primitive benches. It was driven by a prisoner. We later got to know him better. Paulo was the first guy that really looked like a hard core criminal, tattoos all over and all the bells and whistles.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe did not feel too good at this stage. The diary that I kept in these ensuing days has been lost, so I will rather report on these days in Tete as it comes to mind. Caravan-Serai bizarre.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eA pity that we could not take photos. Now I have to try and recreate the bizarre scenery that awaited us at \"La Cadeia Civil do Tete\". On the outside a quite nice looking white washed building with a large double winged wooden gate, inside the prison was a dirty square yard surrounded by cell buildings. Surrounded by 6 meter high walls the square looked vaguely like a market place in some Suaheli town in Tanzania. Densely populated by about 800 prisoners, the place looked like some market place, only with no goods to sell.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThere was a raised podium with a corrugated iron roof that looked like people could sell fish or meat there, but it was referred to as \"the church\". While most of the square was just plain dusty trampled and eroded soil with remnants of erstwhile paving still visible to the \"archeologically trained eye\", the wardens had managed to fence in a little square of green grass where 3 trees including a palm tree were projecting a somewhat tropical image. This was in front of the admin block and strictly guarded. Nobody was allowed to trample on the grass.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eA \"Hotel Tropicana\" with limited leisure options...After we had already somewhat accommodated ourselves to the prison in Songo with its much smaller population, this was of course first frightening.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe mass of prisoners alone. We were cowering in a corner under armed guard and were here finally stripped of our remaining personal belongings.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe last orgone pendants and zappers that had still managed to keep in Songo were taken away. Bad luck as our health was slowly going down of course. Just after we had been delivered to the prison, the Mozambican TV team that had already interviewed us in Songo arrived.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOur incarceration was restaged for the camera again. That's how news is made, in case you didn't know. After being processed in this way (they wanted to shave off Prophet's formidable dread locks, an idea they only gave up after an intervention of Nhantumbo) we were introduced to our cell bosses. (chefe do cela)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThis was a pleasant surprise. They had quite an organised system in this prison. Apart from the \"chefe do cela\", with general responsibility for the cell, there was a \"chefe do segurança\", responsible for self policing of the inmates under his jurisdiction and a \"chefe do higiene\" who was responsible for keeping the cell, especially the ablutions, clean. The relation between prisoners and wardens was very different here than in Songo.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMost of the time the 5 or 6 wardens on duty would sit on the small porch of the admin block, overlooking the prison yard. Rarely would they be found mingling with the prisoners. An economy of power and control. They were much more defensive, outnumbered as they were by the mass of prisoners and always carried guns.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMy cell boss, Aurelio Rato turned out to be a very decent man. He was a school teacher in Songo before he got thrown in this slammer, for beating up his girlfriend under the influence of alcohol. Apart from this one time lapse with fatal consequences he had been a \"valuable member of society\" for most of his life, having - amongst other merits - founded and chaired a charity that looked after the sick and destitute.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eHis subjects were art and mathematics and he was even in prison still teaching classes in these subjects. They had a programme of alphabetization going were prisoners with little education could at least learn basic literacy on grade 4 level. He still had 2 years to go but was adamant that he would try and continue his studies at university after getting out.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eGenerally our relation to fellow inmates was quite good and after getting to know the main players of this weird society behind walls we never felt threatened by other prisoners that despite the fact that due to our status as \"terrorism suspects\" we were crowded in with \"Rape, Murder and Armed Robbery\" suspects and convicted alike.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSurely our fellow inmates were not all angels, but we never witnessed open violence of any sorts. The cell where Prophet and I were brought was about 5 x 7 metres (for nominally 92 prisoners!) and hat a small chamber of 3 x 1 metres that served as a \"casa do bagno\".\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRests of tiling and old plumbing outlets showed that it must once have had something like modern sanitary installations. Maybe there once was a functioning toilet and certainly a wash hand basin. Not so any more. The toilet part was reduced to squatting over the end of the sewage pipe and trying to hit it without soiling the floor too much.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eLater the \"chefe do higiene\" had a low brick wall buit around that with a somewhat bowl shaped cement screed that made it easier. The flushing was done by bucket same for showering.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAmazingly about 70% of the prisoners were keeping themselves very clean even under these conditions. The other 30% were the ones that had given themselves up. Those are the ones that die of \"AIDS\" or rather malnutrition and a lacking desire to live.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe bathroom was always busy and this Muzungu (yours truly) needed to let all his relations play in order to book a slot for some private hygiene during the day. The overcrowding was enormous of course.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThese cells had been originally designated for maximum 15 prisoners. Of the 92 prisoners assigned to our cell, about 20 were allowed to sleep outside, either because they had the coveted \"sick card\" (tuberculosis was rife of course, we had 5 or 6 cases of open tuberculosis in our cell alone) or because they were somewhat trusted by the wardens, convicted long term prisoners who did not want to ruin their chances of early release by futile attempts at escape.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eNow, please, don't expect this to be anything like the prisons you know from American movies, ok? No beds, no blankets, no prison clothes. You just sleep on the floor with whatever you have. with 70-something inmates on 35 square metres that gives you half a square as your personal snoozing ground.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eNot much privacy there. Life on the slave ships must have been similar if you want to call that life. Only the slaves were kept in the dark as well and in their own excrement, so that half of them were normally dead on arrival. Here the death rate was a bit slower as we still got to see the sky every day, so we witnessed \"only\" about 4 or 5 prisoners passing away from malnutrition and disease during our stay.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePrivate property was allowed in the cells and it was even possible to buy bamboo mats, some of which were manufactured by prisoners inside, some brought in from outside. Some prisoners even had thin foam matreses and blankets. After a while I was allowed to share a mattress with Daniel who later became \"chefe do higiene\".\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMy customary sleeping place was close to the cell door but also close to the toilet (the smell!) Sometimes I felt a rat crawling over me at night and once I woke up at such an occasion and -still half asleep- tossed that nasty rodent into the heap of slumbering cell mates, crying or rather shrieking aloud \"um rato - um rato!\" I earned a lot of lasting mockery with that one.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThere were of course 1000s of the little buggers crawling all over the place always in search of some remnants of food. They were equally at home in the decrepit sewage system and surely not exactly purveyors of good health. People who received visitors from outside had private food of course, which they kept in bags, suspended from the floor. In fact without that extra food, one would have died from malnutrition in no time, as the prison only provided maize porridge (Nshima), rice and beans. Whatever other supplies were delivered to the prison and paid for by the state, were immediately parcelled out amongst the wardens. As a result, prisoners without outside connections saw meat or vegetables maybe once a year.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eLiving like kings (relatively spoken) We still had access to money. The money, that had been confiscated from us was deposited in the office and could be withdrawn in small amounts of maximum 500 meticais per day. This allowed us to live in relative luxury. There was a little tuck shop, run by prisoners (under corrupt license of one particular warden) that sold some essentials. Cigarettes, (I smoked like a chimney while in prison) matches, small sachets of \"Omo\" washing powder for the flourishing laundry industry, razor blades (!), sweets, little manuscript books, sweets, toothpaste and toothbrushes (that lost their bristles after 3 days) and a few more small items also tea and sodas. But the real nice thing was their breakfast. Every morning we would go and collect a thermos of sweet tea, (sugar is comforting under these circumstances) \"Zama-Zama biscuits with artificial almond aroma and (most delicious of all) a bread roll with a fried egg inside. Wow, what a start for another day in the slammer! But lunch was beating it all! Dr. Nhanthumbo was feeding us real delicacies. Every day his wife or their maid would come and bring us a basket with rice (nicely cooked with saffron and curry), chicken or fish and sometimes meat. Also always 4 cans of ice cold soda. I'm sure we were the envy of the whole prison.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eOur daily routine\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe cells were opened at sunrise. Then we were allowed to go outside and start the day by shaking out the stiff limbs and having our breakfast. By about 7:30 we had to be back in the cells to be counted in a roll call. (Chamada) The names were called up by the \"chefe de seguranca\" in presence of a warden and one had to confirm one's continued presence by saying \"pronto!\" or \"sto!\" (I'm here) in a loud and clear voice. I later learned to enlarge that to \"Sto contra vontad\" just for the record. (It means: \"I'm here against my will\")\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOn some days (no recognisable pattern there) we had to line up in the yard and sing the national anthem (\"Mozambique e nossa terra gloriosa...\" - Mozambique is our glorious country...)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAfter the morning chamada we were essentially left alone for the rest of the day until about 6 pm when we had to re-enter the cells for another roll call. We were trying to stay together as a group even though this was not always easy. \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe tension of our uncertain future was gnawing away at us and one or the other, we sometimes lost our nerves a bit. (I guess that's natural under the circumstances) After a while we had our own bamboo mat and a somewhat respected space for it near our cell which would now be our social centre and convening place. What really helped wiling the time away was the fact that we got access to a chess board. I never played as much chess as in Tete in my life and we all improved our game considerably. Prophet had only started learning it in Songo and became quite good at it. Tino was our strongest player, with Carlos and me being roughly equal.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThere were quite few champions amongst the fellow inmates, so at times we had really interesting tournaments going. Naturally, because of our limited knowledge of Portuguese we hung out a lot with English speaking prisoners, mostly from Zimbabwe or Malawi. But we also befriended some of the Mozambican inmates. After the evening chamada we were supposed to stay in the cells, on normal days with open cell doors.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThat was the worst part of the day always. Even with the open cell doors the sweat was running in rivers and the overcrowded situation made any relaxation or even playing chess impossible.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFrom time to time sadistic wardens even took away that little cooling and locked the door.We later learned that they did tha to extract money from prisoners. For 15 meticais you could buy the right to stay outside until final roll call. Not for us though, the terrorism suspects. On other evenings, with friendlier wardens on duty, we were allowed to sit in front of the cell as long as we did not move away.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eBattle by media – the top guns get involved\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWhile this was all unfolding around us, the media storm that had already started during our last days in Songo was gaining Momentum. President Armand Guebuza had gone on record, cautioning the media not to jump to foregone conclusions, but soon made clear that he was going to maintain a neutral position. \"let the proper authorities deal with the case\" was the mantra. The Mozambican Prime Minister, Mrs. Luísa Dias Diogo, was much more outspoken in stating publicly that we were obviously innocent. O\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ebviously the results of new tests that had now been conducted in Maputo had been leaked to the press. Soon thereafter a TV talk show on prime time National TV dealt with our case.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe sociologist was most probably Carlos Serra, who has taken quite an interest in our story. If you can read Portuguese, I recommend you check out his blog. Since we did not have access to TV (some privileged prisoners did) we got it only from hearsay. A member of parliament, a sociologist and a chemist were discussing our case and somehow all agreeing that is was ridiculous to have us locked up and that the country was opening itself up for all kind of compensation claims apart from the potential diplomatic fallout with Germany and Portugal. This is an understandable reaction for normal, intelligent people with a heart who are not yet woken up to the fact that of course al governments are in this together behind the scenes.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eReferences to our incarceration appeared in the press all over the world, most of them of course denouncing us as some kind of \"New Age Cult\" (brings up associations of Charles Manson or the CIA fabricated mass murder made to look as a mass suicide at Jonestown). One Mozambican newspaper, the weekly independent \"Savana\" was making a big difference. Their reporters really took the pains of investigating the story deeply. So we made frontpage News there with the title: \u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/images\/100118SavanaArticle.jpg\" alt=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\"Ridiculous - like in a bad movie\" If you can read Portuguese check out Savana here. My hat is off in reverence to these courageous and uninhibited journalists.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eHere is a broad but incomplete selection of further news clippings in reaction to our story: \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/africa\/8039775.stm\"\u003eBBC\u003c\/a\u003e \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/allafrica.com\/stories\/200905080951.html\"\u003eallafrica.com\u003c\/a\u003e \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.legalbrief.co.za\/article.php?story=20090518161737331\"\u003eLegalbrief\u003c\/a\u003e \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.highbeam.com\/doc\/1G1-199500729.html\"\u003ehighbeam.com\u003c\/a\u003e \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.capetimes.co.za\/?fArticleId=4969773\"\u003eCape Times\u003c\/a\u003e \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/architectafrica.com\/node\/1355\"\u003earchitectafrica.com\u003c\/a\u003e You can get a picture of the spectrum of reactions if you just type the words \"sabotage cahora bassa\" or the Portuguese version \"sabotagem cahora bassa\" in your favourite search engine.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/Screenshot_2024-07-11_at_10.57.29.png?v=1720688288\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eBetrayal or business as usual - Love your lawyer but never trust him\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDr. Nhantumbo had been the focus of all our hopes and we initially loved him to bits. He is a good looking, intelligent, well articulated and lively African man.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe felt that he had true sympathy with our case and there was a bond of friendship developing. After we had been transferred to Tete, he visited us more often and, as stated before, he fed us well.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBut then things started taking a strange direction: In the first days he gave us the impression that it could only be a matter of days until the prosecution would drop the nonsensical allegation and set us free. Of course his daddy already having been a judge i tete he's a well connected man in the legal scene of Tete province. His sister is prosecutor in Songo where we were first arrested and held for more than 3 weeks.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThings were dragging on and on and we were now told that \"things had to cool off a bit\" first, because Mozambique had to do a face saving operation, couldn't be seen to cave in to foreign pressure or public opinion too easily. The more we were surprised when the formal accusation was handed to us by a clerk of the court.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eIt contained 4 accusations:\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e1. The crime of \"altering goods destined for public consumption\" (read water contamination)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e2. The crime of Sabotage (punishable with 8-16 years imprisonment)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e3. The crime of smuggling (the orgonite)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e4. The crime of conducting unauthorised environmental activities\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIt turned out that the tests conducted in Maputo, while confirming that the orgonite was essentially what we said it was, still came to hair-raising conclusions about the alleged potential toxicity.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRidiculous when one considers that most of the boats on Cahora Bassa are made of very similar resin in the form of fibreglass and together represent 100s of tons of such resin.Polyester resin bound fibreglass is actually used for drinking water tanks. It was clear that the sparse and scant laboratory results had been garnished with politically inspired drivel that was presented as part of the report.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe laboratory tests that were allegedly conducted in South Africa were not presented as part of the evidence.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWhile we were pondering these accusations and trying to gather evidence to counter them point by point, we would have expected our dear Dr. Nhantumbo to engage in a flurry of activities, visiting us at least daily (we had 5 days to come up with a counter motion)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBut Nhantumbo did not come once in this critical period.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eNot once.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOur tension was rising to frantic state. On a sunday in that period a great surprise happened:\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe were visited by my friend Fungai who had come to bring additional evidence and liaise with Nhantumbo.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThrough him I learnt that Nhantumbo, instead of working on our case, had been hectically haggling with Friederike over a fee demand of 35,000 US Dollar.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWow! We knew nothing about that and had been cut off from communication by Nhantumbos absence, because he was able to receive messages and forward them to us and also to fax our letters to Friederike who would distribute them to the others.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe also learnt from Fungai that there was nothing in writing that could be called a \"counter motion\" on Nhantumbo's desk.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIn fact he told us that Nhantumbo was barely in his office but rather running around to do all kinds of other things. Certainly we never saw a draft or a copy of any written submission that Nhantumbo may have made.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWas it all a racket?\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWas Nhantumbo playing both sides?\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWas he the mediator for a corrupt settlement with the equally corrupt represantatives of state power?\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOn the day of the deadline I suddenly received a very wellcome visit from Mr. von Chamier, an official of the German consulate in Mozambique.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eHe came with Nhantumbo who pretended all was in order between us. Since we had the advantage of speaking in German, and von Chamier was fully briefed by Friederike, we could talk openly about our concerns about the non-action regarding the deadline and a mounting suspicion of our dear lawyer being up to something fishy.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eHe must have sensed this or maybe he understands more German than he wanted to let us know.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSuddenly Nhantumbo was in a great hurry to submit the counter motion in time (whatever it may have been that he submitted there, because we have never seen it) We confronted him on the story after we had the information and told him to do business WITH US, not behind our backs. Intuitively I told him we would go for 20,000 since we were all grown ups and capable to enter agreements.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eI didn't have near that money but we were able to pay some 8000 then. The Rest was promised as a success premium after our release.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMy vehicle and boat were pledged as security. Now suddenly it all went very quickly and a few days later we were free! Of course we were happy but the situation was still awkward.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOur release was accompanied by the TV Cameras of Mozambican national TV again and a lot of Newspapers wanted interviews. We wanted nothing of it. For a few days we were personal guests of Nhantumbo in his apartment (I had expected a lavish house from a lawyer who deems himself worth 150 U$ an hour. That's a lot of money in Mozambique. 20K also is a lot of money)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMy final verdict on the man is still out. I'm not judgemental.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFriederike thinks he's Belzebub impersonated.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe felt his genuine hospitality and desire to communicate with us.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIn fact I think he spoke from his heart when he told us he's going to miss us as he has nobody in Tete to whom he could talk to in a broader view of things.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe met many of his friends and had barbecues with him at the construction site of his new house. We played with his lovely daughter and had dinner at home with him and his wife. Maybe a corrupt deal was the only way for us to end that episode and we should not bicker about the money of course. A deal is a deal. Nhantumbo really liked the orgonite (I'm sure he will eventually get hold of our confiscated stash and put it o good use in Mozambique) His prosecutor sister is wearing one of our zappers while she was also the one who proudly invented the phrasing \"Alteration of goods destined for public consumption\" that were used in the legalisation of our continued incarceration.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eI was growing increasingly depressed as I was feeling that I was ending up paying the bill alone. Something I was not ready to accept at that point. I also did not know if I was ever going to see my Landrover and boat again. I also felt very strongly that suddenly every one of our group was overwhelmed by their own concerns and I was going to sit with that problem pretty much alone. (Except for Tino who pledged his part and had also contributed to other activities that were undertaken outside to facilitate our speedier release) As it became clear that nobody was going to come up with the rest of the 20K in time, we left per plane, leaving the landy and the boat in the custody of an acquaintance of Nhantumbo in the yard of a mechanic workshop, behind closed gates. I was later to retrieve the items (a test of courage for me to go back to Mozambique for that purpose, but no problem) by flying in with Fungai. (After full payment was done. As a little aside, this friend of Nhantumbo's charged me 3000 Meticais (then 100$) per day for parking the car. I had clearly understood 300. That's more expensive parking than in Manhattan where real estate is probably 100x as expensive.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eTIA (This is Africa)\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSo, the whole experience was more confusing in the end than anything else. Was this orchestrated from higher up in order to discourage us from further such expeditions deeper into Africa? I guess it was at some level. I would imagine that someone in the dirty hierarchy of the secret services got us to be watched and got the whole \"sabotage\" and \"terrorism\" dimension thrown in.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFor the rest they only had to let Mozambique’s corrupt and inefficient system take its course in order to effect enough \"punishment without crime\". Having no documet that really says charges against us were dropped, we have no legal recourse, no chance to sue for compensation or whatever.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe fact that the ending of it was without clear legal conclusion leaves us wondering as to what our legal status is now in Mozambique. Both I and Tino have visited Mozambique after this and nothing bad happened. So maybe we should assume it's all over. Sort of...\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eI guess it's a tacit understanding that we're not going to talk about it anymore and they not either.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eI guess what it taught us again is that in Africa you're traditionally expected to ask the chief for permission if you want to do anything on the land over which he is lord.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThis is still difficult for us to accept as we're used to the relative impersonality of relations between a government and it's underlings in the European tradition.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOne would think, what we're doing is not really government business, but in a police state like Mozambique, everything is.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIt took a while for me to comprehend this, but in Mozambique people are really afraid of \"the authorities\" like I haven't encountered it in any other African country. Already in 2005 when we gave a Cloud Buster to the traditional healer Alexander in Vilanculos, his greatest concern and fear was what the \"authorities\" would say about it.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe villagers near Cahora Bassa that Prophet and Carlos were showing the orgonite to, reacted the same way: \"What would the authorities say to this?\"\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSince nobody in a country like Mozambique wants to take responsibility for a decision about something they don't know, it would mean you need to talk to the top, the president, the king over land and people.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMaybe that's what we need to do if we want to do more work in Mozambique.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch3\u003eFinally free\u003c\/h3\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/090617StarArticle.jpg?v=1720687092\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-05-02T12:36:44+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"","disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"tag","relation":"equals","condition":"Expeditions\/Busted in Mozambique\/Accused of Sabotage"}],"published_scope":"web"},{"id":290685091897,"handle":"buy-orgonite","title":"Buy Orgonite","updated_at":"2024-09-16T01:25:27+02:00","body_html":"\u003ch1\u003eBuy Orgonite Online\u003c\/h1\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cul\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eauthentic orgonite that works\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003ewidest most comprehensive choice of orgonite on the web\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eleading orgonite supplier since 2002\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003ehome of the orgone zapper\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003eworld wide free courier shipping for orders over 130 U$D\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003c\/ul\u003e","published_at":"2024-05-02T12:36:03+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":null,"disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"tag","relation":"equals","condition":"Buy Orgonite"}],"published_scope":"web"},{"id":290688761913,"handle":"expeditions-prisoners-in-zim-all-that-rain","title":"Namibia - All that Rain!","updated_at":"2024-09-11T12:50:33+02:00","body_html":"\u003ch2\u003eNamibia in the aftermath of Operation Desert Rain!\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSince we started busting the secret underground bases in South Africa with orgonite -from where the illegal electronic weather warfare was conducted- we experienced unprecedented rains on the subcontinent.The planting season which is normally from October to April\/May was again predicted (read : planned) to be a drought season albeit not in the same hysterical fashion as the 3 years before. The perpetrators must have learned to cover their bets since the previous planned droughts were all broken by our massive orgone-ite gifting efforts. Of course it's difficult for them to change the song sheet in the middle of such a large scale operation, so we continue reading \"scientific\" background articles about global warming etc. That's intended to prepare the mood for a few catastrophic droughts of course.Someone very smart has invented the term \"global dimming\" by now as a hedge theory, in case the \"global warming\" scenario doesn't happen. In this dimming scenario, pollution (of course no mentioning of the ubiquitous chemtrails) is counteracting the effects of \"greenhouse gases\" and leads to a decrease in temperatures, unfortunately with much sickness and other side effects because of the toxic brew. (Again no mentioning of the worldwide illegal spraying programme) I first heard of this interesting propaganda twist a few month ago in a BBC Documentary.Be all that as it may, the healing continues in a visible way that cannot be ignored by the mainstream much longer.The rains started a bit late and in fact only got unlocked after our attention turned towards those underground bases in earnest which was in December 2005 and January 2006.Since then average rainfalls as measured over many years have been exceeded massively.This is what we measured at our place (Johannesburg):October 2005 (Kalahari Expedition)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable style=\"width: 374px;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e80.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e56\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e24.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e43.75%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eNovember 2005 (Beginning of busting UG bases around Johannesburg)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable style=\"width: 374px;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd width=\"104\" height=\"17\"\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e135.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e107\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e28.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e26.64%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDecember 2005 (continued busting of UG bases)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable style=\"width: 374px;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e115\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e125\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e-10\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e-8.00%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eJanuary 2006 (Matatiele Expedition)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable style=\"width: 374px;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e147\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e114\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e33\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e28.95%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFebruary 2006 (Vortex busting with Kelly)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e234\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e109\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e125\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e114.68%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMarch 2006 (Vortex busting with Kelly and 1st Marine busting expedition to Bazaruto)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd height=\"17\"\u003e103.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e89\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e14.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e16.29%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eTotal Planting season 2005\/2006\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ctable style=\"width: 374px;\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"\u003e\n\u003ccolgroup\u003e \u003ccol width=\"104\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"142\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003ccol width=\"64\"\u003e \u003c\/colgroup\u003e\n\u003ctbody\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eRainfall(mm)\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003elongterm average\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003eDiff %\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003ctr\u003e\n\u003ctd height=\"17\"\u003e\u0026gt;815.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e600\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e215.5\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003ctd\u003e35.92%\u003c\/td\u003e\n\u003c\/tr\u003e\n\u003c\/tbody\u003e\n\u003c\/table\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe rains were well distributed over the whole region and especially Namibia experienced rainfall like they never observed in the whole 20th and 21st century.This map shows the rainfalls in South Africa in February:\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/PercentRainFeb2006.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"334\" border=\"0\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRainfall in percent of normal February 2006 (South African Weather Service)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAs you can see, the rainfall almost everywhere is between 100 and above 200% of normal.An exception is the Western Cape and the West Coast in general, that is still experiencing dry conditions. The Westen Cape is for most parts a winter rainfall region however and therefore the dry condition in Summer is less significant in my opinion.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/dec05_to_feb06_spi.gif\" alt=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"386\" border=\"0\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe map above shows that only small areas outside the western Cape were \"somewhat dry\" in the period December 2005 - February 2006\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060404Citizen.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"315\" border=\"0\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAs usual isolated incidences where \"too much rain\" is causing problems such as plant rot or flooding are overemphasized\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRain in neighboring countries On our trip through Botswana and Zimbabwe we found both countries green and lush like I've never before seen them.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060304_fat_spider.jpg?v=1716895444\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFat spider in lush greenery in Zimbabwe But the most exciting news reached us from Namibia that we had busted in our \"Desert Rain\"expedition in September 2004.My friends there tell me that the desert is covered with a beautiful carpet of blossoming greenery and generally nobody can recall anything like that, even back to 1900 or before.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060227Star.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"219\" border=\"0\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe Star Johannesburg 27 Feb 2006\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060409Sossusvlei_flooded.jpg?v=1716895529\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSossusvlei in the Namib Desert: Flooded! (Photo: AZ Windhoek)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060407Namibia_green_like_never_before_-_near_von_Bach_Dam.jpg?v=1716895529\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eNamibia green like never before, near von Bach Dam (Photo: AZ Windhoek)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060407_Landunter_in_Mariental.jpg?v=1716895530\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFlooding in Mariental (Photo: AZ Windhoek)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060409Regennasse_Strassen_im_Sueden_namibias.jpg?v=1716895529\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRain soaked roads in southern Namibia (Photo: AZ Windhoek)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060407Swakoppforte_Damm_laeuft_ueber.jpg?v=1716895529\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOverflowing Swakoppforte Dam (Photo: AZ Windhoek)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe Namibian, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - Web posted at 7:08:44 GMT Farmers' unions optimistic after the rains *ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA THE Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) and the Namibian National Farmers' Union (NNFU) are hopeful that farmers will get a bumper harvest this year because of the good rains that have fallen since the beginning of the year.NNFU President Manfred Rukoro told The Namibian on Friday that although the rain came a bit late, the good showers that are falling countrywide at the moment have brought smiles to the faces of many communal farmers.\"We are very, very happy.This looks like a promising year,\" said Rukoro.He said towards the end of last year, many regions were on the verge of starvation, but the good rain that started at the beginning of this month raised hopes for a good harvest this year, especially if it could continue until April.The Executive Manager of the NAU, Isak Coetzee, shares the same views.He said the NAU was very glad about the good rains and expects good prospects for crop and livestock farming.He said although there were still some areas in south-eastern Namibia that had received little rain, it was still early in the season and more rain had been predicted to be on the way.The good rains have also raised the levels of the country's main storage dams higher than they were at the same time last year.According to NamWater's latest dam bulletin, the Von Bach Dam is 67,8 per cent full compared to 37,7 per cent last year.The Goreangab Dam is overflowing at 102,8 per cent of full capacity, while the Hardap Dam at Mariental is 61,4 per cent full compared to last season's figure of 38,4 per cent.\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-05-02T12:36:44+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"","disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"tag","relation":"equals","condition":"Expeditions\/Prisoners in Zim\/All that Rain!"}],"published_scope":"web"},{"id":294498631737,"handle":"orgonite-home","updated_at":"2024-09-13T10:19:19+02:00","published_at":"2024-08-07T08:10:47+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"","published_scope":"global","title":"Orgonite at Home","body_html":"\u003ch2 style=\"text-align: center;\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eOrgonite at Home\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWhen you start with Orgonite you will naturally start in you own home. Here you will find all the products, that have a direct practical use beyond being Orgone Generators. \u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003c!----\u003e","image":{"created_at":"2024-08-08T23:58:38+02:00","alt":null,"width":2248,"height":2248,"src":"\/\/orgoniseafrica.co.za\/cdn\/shop\/collections\/IMG_5303.jpg?v=1723154319"}},{"id":290687877177,"handle":"buy-orgonite-orgonite-for-healing","title":"Orgonite for Healing","updated_at":"2024-09-14T21:35:34+02:00","body_html":"\u003ch1\u003eOrgonite for personal Healing\u003c\/h1\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAll Orgonite, even the crudest \"Dirty Harry\" Towerbuster has a healing effect on all things natural. That's the essence of what we are doing here and the central message of this website, too.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOver time, we and others have developed certain applications specifically for greater healing power. The addition of specific gemstones, coils, magnets, and even superfoods to our Orgonite products causes a much more subtle and specific interaction with your bioenergetic field (Aura) than Orgonite could achieve on its own.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe Orgonite devices you can find here are developed specifically for healing yourself as well as healing work on others.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2\u003eHave a look at our healing orgonite:\u003c\/h2\u003e","published_at":"2024-05-02T12:36:30+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"","disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"tag","relation":"equals","condition":"Buy Orgonite\/Orgonite for Healing"}],"published_scope":"web","image":{"created_at":"2024-06-07T13:34:20+02:00","alt":null,"width":3000,"height":2000,"src":"\/\/orgoniseafrica.co.za\/cdn\/shop\/collections\/IMG_2905.jpg?v=1717760060"}},{"id":292407967801,"handle":"quick-order","title":"Quick Order","updated_at":"2024-09-16T01:25:27+02:00","body_html":null,"published_at":"2024-06-15T12:09:32+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"quick","disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"variant_price","relation":"greater_than","condition":"0"}],"published_scope":"web"},{"id":290688794681,"handle":"expeditions-prisoners-in-zim-the-prisoners-of-orgone","title":"The prisoners of Orgone","updated_at":"2024-09-14T21:35:35+02:00","body_html":"\u003ch1\u003eClipped Wings - In gaol in Zimbabwe\u003c\/h1\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eJohannesburg, 4 September 2006\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2\u003eGreat Expectations\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIt was supposed to have been the \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/buy-orgonite\"\u003eorgonite gifting\u003c\/a\u003e trip of all \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/buy-orgonite\"\u003eorgonite gifting\u003c\/a\u003e trips, the expedition of all expeditions. Since at least 2 years I had wanted to do this and preparations were extensive. Many people had helped us to make this great trip possible with donations and moral support.XL from Austria had joined me to share the experience.\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060502-Itinerary-500.jpg\" alt=\"orgonite\" width=\"500\" height=\"882\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOriginally planned trip\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060708Ammo.jpg\" alt=\"Orgone Energy, Cloud Buster, Wilhelm Reich, orgonite\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe arsenal of orgonite for the trip\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe had 7 full size orgonite CBs, 2000 \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/orgonite-tb-dirty-harry\"\u003eorgonite TBs\u003c\/a\u003e, plenty of orgonite HHGs, many orgonite Dolphin Busters,and orgonite earth pipes on board. XL had also brought some very special orgonite gift for special places.But it was going to be a very different trip from what we expected. Read here what happened: Zimbabwe - a country falling apart The trip already started with some strange confusion as we already lost the way in South Africa on the main road to the Zimbabwean Border, which I had travelled many times in the past. For those who are not familiar with regional events in Southern Africa, I want to give a short introduction to the situation to what's going on in Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe has been spiralling to economic destruction after The Mugabe Government started chasing the white farmers from their land a few years ago. Since then the country has not only lost most of its agricultural production and export earnings but hyperinflation and an increasingly draconian neostalinist approach have crippled all business in the country.Essentially 5 out of 17 million Zimbabweans are now \"over the border\", that means making a living by working illegally in South Africa. Interestingly that is about the same proportion East Germany reached after 40 years of communism, only in Zimbabwe it took a mere 4 years to achieve the same result.No ordinary economic activity is possible any more in Zimbabwe and people are generally desperate, while the government prosecutes the poor fellows that try to find some fire wood in the forests as \"fire wood poachers\" and puts them in prison, while high officials corruptly organise big game hunting safaris for rich foreigners with impunity.Sick people are brought to hospital on handcarts, and many die on the way, in the morgues dead bodies are openly rotting because of lack of refrigeration.EU and Commonwealth (and I think the US as well) have put the country on sanctions which contribute to the meltdown of course.They also make it easy for Mugabe to blame the whole calamity publicly on Tony Blair and MI6 or what he calls neo-colonialist forces.Of course the history is complex and nothing is what it seems to be.Mugabe uses a shrill anticolonial rhetoric which still buys him a lot of support all over Africa.But the irony is that he is factually working for the New World Order takeover of his country.It is necessary to know that he was put in his position by Lord Carrington, the \"British Kissinger\" in the Lancaster House Negotiations in the 70s that led to the present Majority Government in Zimbabwe after the renegade settler republic Rhodesia broke away from England with its white minority government and was finally overcome by a plethora of liberation movements with lots of western secret service support, Mugabe's only being one of them and not the most popular one. One of his first acts in stabilising his rule was a well publicised massacre of more than 20 000 people in Matabeleland who were deemed to be loyal to the competing and possibly more attractive rebel leader Joshua Nkomo. In these talks a 20 year moratorium for land reform was agreed and large sums of money promised for implementing a peace- and lawful land redistribution programme after those 20 years by Great Britain,because of course the white land grab by Cecil John Rhodes and his cronies in the 1880s was a historical injustice of magnificent proportions.This promised aid never came forth of course. So in a sense there is some truth in Mugabe's public Argumentation, only that, sadly but true, he works for exactly the forces of destruction that he so eloquently lambasts in his hateful public speeches.Be that as it may, the country is in shambles and ready for the big corporate take over after the elimination of any middle class, be it black or white. The elimination of any economically independent group, creation of a state where a small functional elite is required to \"keep things going\" and a mass of rightless and economically enslaved serfs, as many as needed, to keep up comfort levels for the elite. The majority of\u003cstrong\u003e\"useless eaters\" (NWO parlance, not mine) is to be eliminated by biowarfare like \"AIDS\", vaccination programmes, starvation, attrition wars , weather manipulation and other forms of genocide. So look at Zimbabwe: It's a testing ground for certain policies, just like Ruanda, Burundi and the Congo.(I forgot to mention Cambodia etc...)And my feeling is that that's exactly the job that Mugabe is paid to do. Your Bank Manager (I'm not talking about your branch manager, who is probably a nice person and has no clue of what's going on) is also working for the same goal and vision, hoping that he will be part of the elite, haha..Never forget that! That is of course only to happen if we're not able to stop these plan's in their tracks and create an atmosphere in which self organisation and self reliant prosperity are encouraged to grow worldwide, replacing the fraudulent international money system (wealth extraction scheme). Massive saturation with orgonite holds the promise of turning things around apart from its immediate positive effects on the weather and fertility of farm land, securing abundant crops and stopping attempts at mass starvation through weather warfare. You can imagine that the atmosphere in the country is pretty \u003c\/strong\u003e\u003cstrong\u003etense, can't you?\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/20060430Mugabe.jpg\" alt=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003ePresident Mugabe of Zimbabwe - MI6's best asset in the country?\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWhenever I sound my theory that Mugabe is actually doing the MI6's bidding in destroying his own country I get a lot of approval and mostly a lot of additional information from intelligent and awake Zimbabweans (of which there are many) For example what I just heard in Conversations during this turbulent visit is that the \"great mining houses\", especially LONHRO under Tiny Rowlands shifted their allegiance from the white minority government to support the rebel movements, just like the western secret services did.Nothing is what it seems to be in this world of deceptive layers of smoke and mirrors...\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710BouldersNearNgundu.jpg\" alt=\"orgonite cb, prana, chi, ki, reiki, subtle energies, orgone zapper, energy healing, environmental healing, rainmaking, sangoma\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRock formation near Ngundu, an underground base is not far from here.We were going via Masvingo, the Town near the Ruins of Great Zimbabwe.The first night we stayed in a lodge in Ngundu, about 100 km before Masvingo.Like everything in Zimbabwe, the lodge was on the edge of disintegration. No more warm water, but of course the prices stayed the same as in better days and were to be paid in foreign currency.I had received very interesting information from an anonymous source, who claimed to have been a former operative in the secret \"one world army\" that messes up Africa with all these senseless wars. In fact, there is no war in Africa that is not run by outside secret services who mostly create the various 3-letter \"liberation movements\" that murder and create mayhem. All these Insurgent movements are equipped and supported by the \"One World Army\" of the \"New World Odor\".This monster has many names, call it UN, French Foreign Legion, South African Mercenaries, CIA, MI6.It's activities are supported by a network of underground bases with weather warfare and mind control capacities, secret and forbidden territories for training and assembling armies etc. Most rebel insurgencies originate from the vast \"game reserves\" in Africa that are mostly already under the control of cover organisations like the WWF (run by Prince Charles of British royalty) Nowhere but in Africa is the NEW WORLD ODOR so obvious and so murderous at this present moment in history. The information I received consists of a map with the location of 100s of different places that are allegedly some kind of underground bases, some of them military, some of them alien in nature.We had already started acting on this information on a tentative basis in South Africa and had received very good results. That means great changes in atmospheric energy after treating these places.Also we found clues at some of the places that indeed indicated some underground activity. What I'm trying to say here is that I am not able to judge the authenticity of the information we received and therefore treat it as unverified for the time being, but events of this trip as well as or previous experiences tend to add a lot of plausibility to this information The first of these underground bases was near Runde. The place is marked as some kind of memorial on the map. Interestingly we found a network of construction roads to indicate that there had been some kind of activity going on, and they (the roads) were demolished only close to the main road so that a casual passer by would not notice anything special happening in the bush. Bingo! The map was spot on again! For the fine tuning work of placing the gifts at the right spot one still needs some intuitive guidance, but luckily my travel Companion XL was quite good with that.We normally place \u003cspan style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"\u003e1 or 2 earth pipes\u003c\/span\u003e over an underground base and possibly a HHG or some \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/orgonite-tb-dirty-harry\"\u003eTBs\u003c\/a\u003e for support.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710LAkeKyle.jpg\" alt=\"orgone energy, wilhelm reich, don croft, cloud buster, orgonise-africa, orgonize africa, orgone zapper, don croft terminator, hulda clark zapper, dr hulda clark\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eLake Kyle near Great Zimbabwe Coming back to the Area of the famous ruins of Great Zimbabwe which had already been gifted twice, was a revelation:It felt like paradise!Even though we are at the end of the dry winter season, the place looked surprisingly lush and a peaceful, very positive atmosphere prevailed.The last time I had been there with Kelly, also known as Laozu, when we gifted a vortex nearby and left some general gifts in the area.This time we actually gifted the lake itself for the first time and found another hilltop array that had escaped my loving attention the last 2 times.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710-The-Hill-Complex.jpg\" alt=\"orgone energy, wilhelm reich, don croft, the ether, baron v reichenbach, prana, karl welz, subtle energy, free energy\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe hill complex of Great Zimbabwe\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710Seat-of-entity-Gt-Zimbabwe.jpg\" alt=\"holy places, energy spots, geomantic, ley lines, the new view over atlantis, atlantic technology, orgone energy, od force, animal magnetism\" width=\"300\" height=\"400\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe seat of an entity that Kelly noticed at our last visit\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710XL-on-top-with-guide.jpg\" alt=\"orgone energy, orgonite cloud buster, wilhelm reich, don croft, georg ritschl, alternative healing approaches, indigenous knowledge sytems, traditional healer, sangoma\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eXL and our guide Robson who had also guided Kelly and myself last time\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710GT-enclosure.jpg\" alt=\"orgone cloud buster, don croft chembuster, wilhelm reich cloud buster, orgonise africa safaris, effectively fighting the new world order, global fascism, corporate fascism\" width=\"300\" height=\"243\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe great enclosure seen from the hill complex\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060710conicaltowergreatzimbabwe.jpg?v=1715946536\" alt=\"orgone safari, orgonise africa expeditions, orgone energy, great zimbabwe\" width=\"300\" height=\"400\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe conical tower in the great enclosure Arriving in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, we checked into a derelict Motel that was nevertheless charging the proud amount of 50 USD. The next day was reserved for Harare and surrounds.Generally the energy around Harare felt very bad. Also we got stopped by a corrupt policeman who was fishing for a bribe by threatening to search ou car thoroughly and by several road blocks and traffic cops trying to collect speeding fines. The brand new radar guns seem to be the only functioning equipment in Zimbabwe.We did 2 underground bases outside town and another one near the airport.The one at the airport was obvious as it had various vent shafts showing above ground. The other ones were invisible but felt very nasty energetically.We also did the town centre and residential suburbs.In the evening we found the place of Sheik Yusuf in Chitungwidza. He is running an orphanage with a school and feeds, clothes and teaches about 60 children who would otherwise live on the street.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060711SheikhYusufsCB.jpg?v=1715946537.JPG\" alt=\"CB, cloud buster, wilhelm reich, the discovery of orgone, bioenergy, bioenergetic, subtle energy\" width=\"300\" height=\"400\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSheik Yusuf and associates in Chitungwidza near Harare\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eHis Orphanage receives minimal or no support from the government and everything is very basic, including his own living quarters. But the place is neat and clean and the children seem to be happy there.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060711sleeping-quarters.jpg?v=1715946536\" alt=\"cloud buster, orgone energy, orgone zapper, parasite zapper, hulda clark zapper, terminator zapper, electromedicine\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003estudents' bedrooms\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060711ChitungwizaCB.jpg?v=1718904717\" alt=\"cb, cloud buster, cloudbuster, wilhelm reich, don croft, orgonise-africa, orgonise africa, earth healing\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe CB at the orphanage\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060711raincloudsoverChitungwiza.jpg?v=1715946537\" alt=\"rainmaking, sangoma, orgone energy, drought alleviation, biodegradation\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRain cloud forming over Chitungwidza after placing the CB\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe left a CB in his yard and observed some immediate changes in the sky.As so often, a no distinct grey soup changed into articulate cumulus clouds even looking more like rain clouds, immediately.From Chitungwidza we left in direction Mozambique, leaving gifts on the way as we went along.Generally we had felt miserable during our whole stay in Zimbabwe with short exceptions such as meeting the gentle and modest Sheik Yusuf. The atmosphere in the country is generally aggressive and negative. One feels like being ripped off at every bend and corner because everyone is so desperate to make a living. So we were looking forward to leaving Zimbabwe quickly. Involuntary Guests of \"His Excellency\" Comrade President Robert Gabriel Mugabe Shortly before the border post at Nyamapanda we tossed out a last \u003ca title=\"\" href=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/orgonite-tb-dirty-harry\" rel=\"noopener\" dirty=\"\" harry=\"\" orgonite=\"\" towerbuster=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eTB\u003c\/a\u003e at a bridge. There were people around and XL actually warned not to do it. But I had never encountered any difficulties with people watching us toss orgonite and ignored the warning. How I was to regret that moment of stupidity! I had not been aware how close we were to the border and also that all the seemingly inconspicuous people were police agents in civil clothes.Dammit!At first we proceeded normally to the immigration and customs counters at the border, where our passports got stamped as usual.But as we got back to our car, ready to leave, the civil police agents started questioning us and asked for some documents that I had never heard about and I got angry with the officer in civils, another mistake it seems. I had actually taken the bunch of guys for the usual parasitic money changers and \"Madobadobas\". (that's guys who attach themselves to every foreigner crossing an African border, offering \"irresistibly\" to help expedite the process) The last thing that would have occurred to me would have been that they were all police agents. They then told us that we had been observed throwing an object from the bridge and somebody actually came up with the TB.We were asked to follow them with the car to the nearby police station for further investigation.We saw no other way but full disclosure of what we were doing.The car was completely searched and of course they were amazed at the amount of orgonite we had on board.Any hopes of a speedy clearance and continuation were soon frustrated when we were told we had to wait for the commanding officer.In the meantime a lot of the guys were chatting to us in a friendly manner and we had the impression that we could win them over. Except for the one officer that I had been colliding with right at the border, the others were rather curios and friendly than hostile and soon we had a lot of budding friendships going on and a lot of Orgone Pamphlets, TBs and HHGs distributed.But little did we anticipate of things to come!The commanding officer came late at night and didn't even want to talk to us much, so we were asked to sleep on the concrete floor in the charge office where people were coming and going all the time and the radio was crackling the whole night.We were allowed to access our car under supervision of an officer and get food but they took the car key and our passports.The next day we were interrogated by the commanding officer and the CIO (criminal Intelligence Officer) The latter turned out to be a sympathetic guy. Interestingly his father had been a Sangoma (traditional healer) He would have let us go if it had been his decision.But it was not in his power. In fact, wave after wave of ever higher ranking officers was brought in, asking basically the same questions again. Obviously they wanted to see if we would contradict ourselves in our story.I showed them my registration as a traditional healer with the International Traditional Healers Council of Malawi, which impressed the CIO but did not lead to our release either.I basically told them I was doing my job as a rainmaker, protected by international agreements between the countries of Southern Africa regarding the work of traditional healers.Then they decided to take samples of our stuff to Harare for forensic examination.That would cost us at least another day we thought...If it had been only another day!After 2 more days (we were allowed to pitch our tent on the police grounds for the other 2 nights) with many more interviews and basically getting to know all the guys at the station, befriending most of them in the process, it was decided we had to be transferred to another station where higher ranking officers wanted to have a look at us.I was taken in my car, accompanied by 3 officers, using our last diesel, while XL was taken in a police van. Interestingly one of the officers made a remark, clad in a question that showed that they were aware of outside interference to their weather, meaning HAARP based weather warfare. The question insinuated that our tools might contribute to this foreign sponsored drought creation effort.XL's journey turned out to be the much more eventful one because the offices used the vehicle for a lot of brisk side business on the way, like transporting chickens and goats, taking passengers for payment and buying some boxes of soap somewhere, trying to sell it at a profit in another village.Hence he was not to be seen at our first destination, the police station in Murewa. As soon as we arrived there, new orders from above arrived, and we had to continue to Marondera, the central police station for the province of Mashonaland East. XL arrived about 3 hours later due to the business detours of \"his\" police offices. Arriving at Marondera, we already found groups of very high ranking officers (judging by their clothing and demeanour) waiting for us.The Car was completely offloaded and searched again.new series of interviews began. We still had the feeling that we could win them over with our natural charmed and obvious unevil intentions.I learned from one of the junior officers who was a bit sympathetic to us that we were now talking to the top charges of the Zimbabwean secret service (nobody ever introduced themselves to us by the way) and that President Mugabe was involved in this. Quite a confirmation for our work to get such top level attention, I think.Unluckily the top secret service man in charge found the markings of underground bases in my map and that apparently really sent him on a spin! Now my computer was searched and they were very disappointed that there was nothing on it.I told them that the markings on the map were bad energy spots that I had dowsed with a pendulum.But Mister Secret Police was not very convinced...\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060802pointsofinterest-overview.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"682\" height=\"646\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe famous map: Underground bases in Southern and Eastern AfricaWe were finally charged with a minor misdemeanour because otherwise they could not have kept us any longer, not even in Zimbabwe. The charges amounted to \"depositing an object in a place that is not designated to deposit such object\" - littering in other words - under an ominous \"miscellaneous offences act\". They told us that we should sign an admittance of guilt and we would be out in no time with a minor monetary fine. We did sign that because it seemed senseless to deny the charges of having thrown something out of the window.Now we were no longer permitted to sleep in a tent but rather in the normal police cells.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060716-cell-tract-Maronderas_d896fa9a-6da8-4036-83cb-9a15a3346576.jpg?v=1718904718\" alt=\"orgone zapper, terminator zapper, hulda clark zapper\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePolice detention cells in Moronderas In a way we were still privileged because we could keep our clothes on (normally only one trouser and one shirt, no underwear, no belt) and get food from our car.We were even allowed to take our sleeping bags into the cell after some negotiations. And we had a cell for ourselves.The more luckless \"ordinary\" prisoners get no food, no water whatsoever, they are declothed and sleep on the naked concrete if they sleep. They may often stay like that for several days, so that they arrive at court already in a quite dehumanized state.I was even able to smuggle my camera into the police cell at one occasion and take the following snapshots of our luxury hotel:\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060716-cell-WC.jpg?v=1715946537\" alt=\"prisoners of orgone, zimbabwe prison cell, orgone energy\" width=\"300\" height=\"225\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe toilet in our luxury hotel\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060716-Mr-Tata-at-Marondera.jpg?v=1715946537\" alt=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMr. Tata at Maronderas\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDuring the day we were mostly allowed to move freely on the grounds of the police station under close supervision. As in Nyamapanda we had soon established a good rapport with the ordinary police officers. But in hindsight I feel that some of the senior guys just played confidence tricks with us to get our friendly cooperation and make us voluntarily go to prison where they would then have all the time in the world to think about what they were finally going to do with us.Anything would have been possible: They could have planted explosives or drugs in our car to get us locked away for a long time or they could have \"shot us while trying to escape\". The options are endless, and I believe that it was due to the wonderful support of many people on the spiritual and etheric level, hat none of these quite feasible potentialities materialised.And to prison we went!After spending three nights at Marondera police station, with high hopes that Monday it would all be over with a slap on the wrist, it was to become worse.Monday we were escorted to the court to see the public prosecutor. This slick and well dressed gentleman had no inclination of treating this as a simple case of littering but insisted that the forensic report must be in first.So we were checked into the backward labyrinth of holding cells, all our personal belongings were now were finally taken away.After hours in those ice cold cells with crowds of awaiting trial prisoners, we were presented in court, where a mean and lazy looking lady magistrate decided to keep us in further detention.So we were to make acquaintance with real prison life in Zimbabwe.We were led back into the cold mass holding cells to await transport to prison.By now it dawned on us that we would be well advised to seek a lawyers help.But how to get one?If you are used to scenes in American movies, where prisoners have the right to a phone call and access to a telephone book, that's not what happens in Zimbabwe.In fact if you don't know a lawyer already, you are dependent on the wardens who are eager to link you up with an attorney-buddy, getting a nice kickback from the learned man in due course. And what about the loyalties of a lawyer so deeply enmeshed in the court and prison system?But we had no choice but to go that route and when we chatted to one of the nicer wardens we asked him to find one for us.But first we were to be tossed into prison for the night.Transport was a ramshackle old bus that had to be pushed into gear by a bunch of prison wardens everytime it attempted to make a trip.It was filled to more than double capacity with each of us having another prisoner on his lap, plus the grocery shopping of the wardens returning from town to prison and their wives and kids.A most colourful, almost funny affair.The bus was to finally break down completely during our time of stay, whereafter we had to cram in the back of a pickup truck with an armoured shell. That was really fun then...Prison was about 15 km out of town invisible from any major road and looked like a derelict concentration camp with the multiple perimeters of rusty barbed wire sort of holding the crumbling buildings together.Watchtowers and armed guards were completing the picture.Here we were \"declothed\", that means we had to stuff our civilian clothes in a bag and put on a pair of thin torn khaki shorts and a similar shirt with short sleeves. (To bad, no photos of this episode) Then we were tossed into separate cells in 2 adjacent but separate blocks.Next shock:Before entering the cell for the night (it was almost dark by then) I had to strip naked, then to enter the cell were 6 other inmates were already waiting.Luckily initial fears proved unfounded and my fellow inmates proved to be quite decent guys, mostly family fathers who had fallen foul with the alleged law for desperation to obtain food for their starving families.In fact I soon learned that some were already sitting more than 3 years without ever getting tried, just because they could not afford a lawyer to get them out on bail or expedite their trial.They were keeping their cell clean and hat developed many smart mechanisms to cope with everyday prison life.One of the many small amenities they had developed was a game of chess. The pieces were made of dried maize porridge, the staple food, sometimes accompanied by baked beans. The black pieces were made of the same, pigmented with ash from burnt newspaper.The board was made from cut up bibles of the type that all these American mind control churches are so freely distributing in Africa and especially among the prison population.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060902GameOfChess.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"300\" height=\"237\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThis game of chess I kept as a souvenir\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe next day we were ferried to court again, this time in foot shackles because we were now suddenly clasified as high risk and high security prisoners, (and those cut into your flesh quite deep after a while of hobbling along) to sit for hours in the ice cold holding cells. I learnt to keep myself warm by doing lots of exercises all the time. (Yoga and bush ups in shackles: one could introduce that to fancy urban gyms as a novelty form of yuppie exercise) This time we finally met our lawyer.By the way: If you think that privacy of talks with your lawyer are a universally granted right of the accused: Not in Zimbabwe. You talk to your lawyer under the eyes and ears of a prison warden! It turned out that we had already seen him and greeted him while lingering at the police station. He turned out to be quite alright and helpful after all and promised to move the case.He also got us a tube of tooth paste, soap and a minuscule towel as well as some juice to brighten up our prison diet.Thursday was now set for our next appearance in court.He also told us that the case had been complicated because of a \"national security dimension\" that was attached to it.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060720HeraldArticle300.jpg\" alt=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFamous at last: Article in the Herald of 20 July\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe friendly older warden who had also offered to contact the lawyer for us, told us that we were famous now and an article had appeared in the main National Newspaper that normally parrots exactly whatever is the current government opinion, The Herald.The article was highly manipulative and false in most facts, for example that we had been spotted doing our \"evil deed\" by some villagers, while in fact they were all police agents in civils. We spent another long day in prison, whereby I played about 10 games of chess against 3 of my fellow inmates, lost some, won some, all the time thinking about what would happen to us.XL had decided that he would go on a hunger strike by then to show that he was sick and tired of being friendly and cooperative (and by the way he did not like the food anyways). That got them quite scared and they offered him meat, a rare and desired commodity in this prison, but the way it looked like, he gave that to his cellmates.They always came back to me for reassurance and wanted me to persuade him to eat. I told them it's his decision and they should not worry as we would be out soon. (I tried to persuade myself of that)On Thursday we were brought to court again (in shackles) where we had a short meeting with the lawyer.He assured us that everything was under control.Hours later we appeared in court and in fact the miracle happened: The sentence was \"cautioned and discharged\"\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/060901criminalzim300.jpg\" alt=\"orgone energy, wilhelm reich, cloud buster\" width=\"300\" height=\"115\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eOur criminal record in Zimbabwe: \"cautioned and discharged\" (after 9 days)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFreedom was finally in sight! It still took hours, but discharged we were. The deputy prison director, who had certain sadistic tendencies, seemed to regret it greatly that we were to be withdrawn from fist sphere of absolute power. But he still had the audacity to ask me to keep my ears open, when free again, for some sponsors who might fund a new prison bus.This made me think that if they wanted to execute you, they would probably ask you to buy the bullet for them first....I still had a late night meeting with the lawyer and some of his friends. He turned out to be quite a likeable fellow privately and so were his friends.I asked him to have a look at the files of my cell mates and left some money to cover his expenses.I hope that we can get some of the guys, where the case is pretty straight and just needs a lawyer's touch, out at reasonable expenses. We headed straight back to Nyamapanda, this time to leave for good and the extreme apprehension only left us after we were safely in Mozambique.Unfortunately our feathers were quite\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-05-02T12:36:44+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"","disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"tag","relation":"equals","condition":"Expeditions\/Prisoners in Zim\/The prisoners of Orgone"}],"published_scope":"web"},{"id":290688041017,"handle":"expeditions-poland-zululand-zululand-gifted","title":"Zululand gifted","updated_at":"2024-09-14T21:35:35+02:00","body_html":"\u003ch1\u003eOrgonite gifting tour Zululand: preliminary report\u003c\/h1\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe Zululand tour went very well. Approximately 800 \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.orgoniseafrica.com\/buy-orgonite\"\u003eorgonite gifts\u003c\/a\u003e are now working to lift the energy levels in the heartland of the Zulu nation. You may have figured that I am a bit of a history buff, so I just love to include sites of historical significance in my gifting sorties.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg title=\"zululand orgone gifted\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/110324KZNtrip.jpg\" alt=\"distribution of orgonite gifts in zululand\" width=\"600\" height=\"513\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThis is what we did on this last trip Historical significance very often means battle fields where many sensitive feel that the spirits of the ones killed in battle are still lingering.Yes, I have a romantic penchant for this type of stuff. This time we were able to gift the battle fields of Ulundi where the British finally crushed the Zulus near the Royal Kraal of King Cetshwayo. He and his warriors had previously sent shock waves through the British Empire when he annihilated a full British regiment of 1300 soldiers at Isandlwana. The Zulus, the most powerful nation in Southern Africa, were then seen as a major obstacle to the expansion of empire and invaded after making up petty causes, just like the global empire does it today. (See what's happening in Lybia just as we speak) The great setback of that invasion by losing a whole regiment to \"native warriors\" caused great upset in London. The British Empire has never lost a battle involving full battle strength fighting formation against any of its other colonial subjects. Only after concentrating a previously unseen amount of men, horses and resources in a build-up and preparation of almost one year could the Empire dare to invade Zululand again. This time with overwhelming power that sealed the fate of the brave Zulus. This was more than 130 years ago of course but the consequences of these battles are still felt. We also gifted the site of Ngungundlovu, Dingaans Kraal where the Zulu King Dingane had ordered the killing of a Boer delegation under Piet Retief, an event that was memorised and cultivated by the Boers until today in order to keep alive racial hatred in South Africa. Gifted!We found King Cetshwayo's grave, the plate ringed by masonic obelisk type fence posts...I'm sure the spirit of the old man was happy when we put an earthpipe, a pyramid and an HHG near by.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg title=\"King Cetshwayo's grave orgone gifted\" src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/110331custodians.jpg\" alt=\"custodians of Cetshwayo's grave\" width=\"500\" height=\"375\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eThe custodians of king Cethshwayo's grave site The custodian (and her whole family) of the grave showed up immediately when we entered the somewhat sacred place. (a small circular forest had been planted around the grave) While I was first afraid we would now be in trouble, they instinctively understood what we were doing despite their limited English.We did quite some water gifting as well at Jozini Dam, a major water reservoir at the South African Swaziland border and the St Lucia estuary. Gifting the beautiful Hluluwe-Umfolozi game reserve also gave us an opportunity to see some of the magnificent African wildlife. Particularly for my guest and fellow gifter Carl from Wisconsin an experience not to be missed.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cimg src=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0660\/4419\/8969\/files\/3lionesses.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"500\" height=\"375\"\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eLionesses at Umfulozi Game Reserve More detailed report to follow.\u003c\/p\u003e","published_at":"2024-05-02T12:36:33+02:00","sort_order":"best-selling","template_suffix":"","disjunctive":false,"rules":[{"column":"tag","relation":"equals","condition":"Expeditions\/Poland \u0026 Zululand\/Zululand gifted"}],"published_scope":"web"}]
["Blog\/Shy about our Orgone Zappers?","Buy Orgonite","Buy Orgonite\/Orgonite for Healing","Category","Expeditions\/Busted in Mozambique\/Accused of Sabotage","Expeditions\/Poland \u0026 Zululand\/Zululand gifted","Expeditions\/Prisoners in Zim\/All that Rain!","Expeditions\/Prisoners in Zim\/The prisoners of Orgone","Product Selection","Store_af","Store_de","Store_de_eu","Store_en_eu","Store_es","Store_es_eu","Store_fr","Store_fr_eu","Store_sa_en"]
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5 Orgonite Fridge Arrows
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5 Orgonite arrows with ferrite magnet.
Pin your notes on the fridge door with these colourful Orgonite Fridge Magnets.
People have observed all kinds of effects of Orgonite in connection with fridges and food:
- Food stays fresh longer - Food feels energized and tastes better - With larger Orgonite tools people have observed stalaktites like spikes forming in ice making trays, the ice growing toward the Orgonite.
Comes in a set of 5.
Dimensions: length - 57mm, width - 26mm, height - 13mm (This product is handmade and the final product might differ slightly)
Pin your notes on the fridge door with these colourful Orgonite Fridge Magnets.
People have observed all kinds of effects of Orgonite in connection with fridges and food:
- Food stays fresh longer - Food feels energized and tastes better - With larger Orgonite tools people have observed stalaktites like spikes forming in ice making trays, the ice growing toward the Orgonite.
Comes in a set of 5.
Dimensions: length - 57mm, width - 26mm, height - 13mm (This product is handmade and the final product might differ slightly)