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  • It's crunch time, baby!

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    The picture is from Cizre, Turkey, a majority Kurdish inhabited town. The establishment is becoming more and more shrill in it's pronouncements and attempts at establishing open fascism are becoming...

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  • How to defeat the NWO

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    Please read this (now almost classical) article for more on this. Orgonite works on so many levels and it works against this negative agenda.By strengthening the life force in any given environment, we...

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  • A drought denied

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    Johannesburg, 9 December 2015 The secret HAARP machines all over the globe must be beaming on full blast. While Saudi Arabia drowns in unprecedented rain, Southern Africa has been suffering...

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  • It doesn't have to be like this

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    The ugly scarcity monster has been haunting this planet increasingly for the last few years. Practically all "developed" countries except maybe for Russia and China (who seem on an upward...

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  • The latest from the Orgone Factory

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    Nov 27, 2013 This year has been quite different from many before in that we re-focussed our minds on strengthening our base rather than expanding into ever new adventures. So, no big expeditions this...

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  • Zappers and the FDA

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    Feb 10, 2012   When truth is a lie and lies become the truth   Again and again we are asked if our zappers will cure this or that disease...

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  • Breakthrough Energy Movement

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    29 Oct 2012   Ready for the Breakthrough?   The idea of Free energy and Orgone are closely related. Zero point energy or space energy, overunity and the new understanding of physics that is...

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  • Abundance is the new Normal

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    May 29, 2012   Scarcity is not the normal state of affairs   A lot of us are under the impression that the world is steering towards some kind of...

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  • Lament for a dictator

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    Some of you have been asking me, why I like to write about Gaddhafi or the financial system rather than about orgonite and it's healing effects. I do, I do, but to me it's...

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  • Global warming is just so not happening

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    Is it the orgonite that stopped it? The global warmists must be desperate. They should have had their conference in Nairobi where their electromagnetic weather warfare apparently still works (Kenya...

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  • It's end times, baby!

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    I haven't blogged in a while, to my own detriment, I guess. "Publish or perish" is the accepted wisdom in the industry. And why? Nothing going through my head lately?...

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  • Global Warming not happening either

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      The next of the crumbling pillars of the current NWO mind control script is the dual complex of  "Global Warming" and the expected (read: planned) "Wars over Water". Very recently I...

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