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    Recently we met Tina van der Maas, who is the lady that inspired the South African Health Minister, Dr. Manto Tshabalala Msimang (She has a doctorate in public health) to...

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  • Rounding the 2 stormy capes

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    Jan 18, 2008  Gifting a continent with orgonite piece by piece is a lot of work. Rewarding work though. We've been back from our latest outing where we surrounded the...

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  • All that water cont'd

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    We are still busy ocean gifting with our little boat. Despite the usual ostacles that pop up all the time to deter us, we are making good progress. Will let...

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  • Lies,Lies,Lies contd. – no peak oil

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    It is obvious how the legend of oil scarcity benefits the agenda of the self proclaimed elite. The truth is very different from the picture of us running out of...

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  • Better orgonite?

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    Kirlian photography of aluminium orgonite (courtesy of The Kirlian photo above shows the radiant aura of a pendant with aluminium orgonite. Aluminium in orgonite has some distinct advantages: The...

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